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You woke up with a throbbing headache. Trying to rub your head you realized that you were bound to a chair. Slowly carefully opening your eyes.
The room was mainly dark except for the one dimly lit light bulb above your head. This room was silent besides the buzzing of the light above. Quickly running through what you could remember from the self-defense class you took years ago. It was New York did people expect a single woman not to take at least one course.

Of course, that one course wasn't on what to do if you were abducted so you decided it was useless to try and pull up those old memories. You were fairly decent in a fight so it wasn't that you couldn't defend yourself.
Finally, you heard the squeaking of a door. That made you raise your head a little too quickly. Dizzy your head lolls back. The door slams as you raise your head once more. You are greeted by the sickening pleasant face of John Walker.
Although you didn't agree with him being Captain America you still respected his position. He did save a bunch of people. To be fair when he took the serum and went off the rails it was a bad image for him. You still respected the dude just a little bit less. Off in the corner leaning against the wall was a blonde woman. Her facial features were soft. She had a white blouse and some black leggings on. She seemed comfortable. Pieces started to come back to you. You remember seeing her on TV getting a pardon. It was Sharon Carter.
"This is the one that's Bucky's soulmate and she didn't put up a fight. Pathetic" spat Sharon.
You wanted to protest. Your throat was so dry you couldn't talk. Instead, you choked out a murmur. You weren't even gagged it was pathetic. Before you could do anything else you were knocked out once more.
Bucky was livid. He was fully planning on just tearing down every building in the city to find you. Hell, he'd burn down the world to see you return home safe.
In a short amount of time, you had become incredibly special to Bucky. His anxiety was spiking. His breathing was shorting and becoming more rapid. Air just couldn't seem to come to his lungs fast enough. Hot tears were streaming down his face before he could stop them. Bucky sat curled up on his apartment floor trying to regulate his breathing for what seemed like hours. In reality, it was only about twenty minutes.
Sam had finished up his phone call to Torres and was by Bucky's side "Hey we're gonna find her. I promise," Sam soothed.
Honestly, Sam didn't know if they were going to find you because the abductors were smart. Torres was smarter he had to think positively if not for him but for Bucky.
You were out there somewhere. Bucky was going to find you but for right now he had to clear his head.
"Sam 'm going for walk. Call me if you've got any news. Don't touch my shit," and with that Bucky walked out of his apartment and down the stairs to the lobby.
He ran into Sharon on his way out.
"Hey Buck," a smile plastered across her face.
He just walked past her not even giving her a second glance. He always hated Sharon. One because she was a stuck-up bitch. Two she was always trying to sleep with Steve when he was around then after he left it like she found the next 100-year-old man and gravitated towards him. It bothered him to no end. She had no respect for his or her soulmate. She was obsessed with thinking that it had to be someone from a different century at least that's what Bucky thought.
He was walking down the street. Hands in his pockets trying to avoid as much attention as possible when he felt a crushing blow to his ribs. He almost doubled over in pain. Almost the blow wasn't strong enough but he needed to get back to his apartment so he could hurry Torres the fuck up because if this pain is what he thought it was then he needed to find you fast because whoever had you had started hurting you now.
When you woke up for the second time you were still in the room. Walker was still there but Sharon wasn't.
"Walker please let me go," you managed to stutter out weakly.
"Oh, so you know who I am."
"Of course I do. I had a lot of respect for you. I mean I didn't agree with you becoming Captain Amer-" he cut you off with a sharp punch to the ribs.
"I deserved that title more than that idiot Sam Wilson does. I put my life on the line more times than him. I survived throughout the Blip. Not him" punches kept coming punch after punch. You were fairly certain if you ever made it out of this you were sure you were going to be in a lot of pain.
"Are you sure you have survived more than he has? Didn't he fight like a big alien dude and win. It took him two times but they did it. Also, it wasn't like it was his choice to survive the Blip or not. Half the universe vanished it wasn't like people were picked and chosen because they were 'stronger' it was fucking random."
"Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up," he continued like that until finally, he punched you hard enough that you and the chair you were sitting in fell over. Leaving you unconscious and hoping that someone was coming to save you and Bucky didn't think you stood him up.
"We've got a location!" Torres had come over when Bucky went out for his walk.
"Where?" Bucky sat up. It was far too fast to be good. Instantly he became dizzy and fell back on the couch.
"She's in a warehouse about twenty minutes away." Torres's voice was like frying pans banging together in Bucky's head. He had a massive headache he knew it was contributed to you and the pain you had been enduring.
Sharon seemed to want Bucky to stick around and let her take care of him but he wasn't going to let that happen. He needed to save you. He wasn't going to let you suffer anymore and he couldn't wait to have you in his arms. He needed you. If you didn't reject him that is when you found out about his metal arm and his past. Right now he couldn't think that he needed to be strong for you. He needed to save you.
He got up from the couch and went to his bathroom grabbed some pain medication and took them and he was off with Sam to this warehouse.
"What's our plan, Buck."
"Get Y/n, kick some ass, and get out," the plan was simple it was nothing could go wrong. Unless of course you were disgusted by him but it was still his job as a superhero and "Avenger" to save innocents and that's what you were an innocent.
The ride to the warehouse would've been a lot easier if he still had his bike for the 40s but that was long gone. Everything was so much slower in Sams truck. Especially in New York traffic. At this rate, it would've been quicker to walk to the warehouse but they needed a way to transport you back without you having to walk back to his apartment. He didn't know how much pain you were in.
It took about thirty minutes longer than Torres said but traffic was the reason for the delay.
By the time they got to the warehouse Bucky's headache had subsided. Bucky didn't know whether to be thankful it was gone or if he should be dreading it.
You wake up once more, but this time you don't dare open your eyes. Your head was still pounding. You chanced a peak still on the ground you couldn't see anyone's shoes. You took a chance and looked up. You were still laying on the floor strapped to the chair.
The ropes on your wrist loosened and you were able to get free. Sitting up and rubbing your wrists. Your head was still spinning. Slowly you begin standing stumbling a little bit but you have a wave of strength come over you. Heading towards the door you hope no one is guarding it. The door flies open by the time you reach it knocking you back onto the cold hard ground.
"She's secure!" is the last thing you hear before everything goes black once again and you are being lifted and carried out of the room.

Soulmate Au Bucky Barnes x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now