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The headache Bucky once felt is now completely gone. Bucky could still feel some of your energy but it was very weak. So without thinking much he ran straight in. No plan, nothing all he knew was that he had to get to you now.

He was going to tear whoever was holding you limb from limb. There were laws in place that would allow him to do that. All he needed now was to find who it was and tear them apart. He had a sneaking suspicion it was Walker.

Walker never liked or respected Bucky. Calling himself a brother to Steve even though he had never met the man in his entire life. He didn't know that Steve wore newspapers in his shoes because he couldn't fit them. He didn't know that he always picked fights he could never possibly win. He didn't know that Steve jumped on top of a grenade to save his squad. He didn't understand that calling himself a brother to Steve was a dishonor to those who knew him and who Steve classified as a brother.

He had to stop thinking about the what-ifs and get you back. So that's what he did he steeled over his past and fell back into the role of The Winter Soldier. He hated how easily he was able to but he needed to save you.

The door was flung opened knocking out one of the guards that were posted there. He didn't care he needed to see you. About 5 men were on him in under a minute. He didn't mind. They were easy enough to take down. A well-placed punch with his vibrainium arm, a well-centered kick to the stomach, and all 5 men fell crippled to the floor.

Before Sam even had the chance to get into the warehouse Bucky was searching rooms for you. He got to a door before John Walker attacked him from behind. Not seeing it till it was too late he John got a few hits in with a metal pipe. Bucky was furious now. Blocking the next overhead strike with his left arm he grabbed the pipe from his hands and delivered a crushing blow. Walker crumpled to the ground. For a super soldier, he was relatively weak.

Turning back to the door he opens it and found you bounded to a chair. Running to you he yelled over his shoulder, "She's secure!"


You woke up with a start. Your head was pounding but your wrist no longer felt the searing pain they once did. It wasn't that they didn't hurt but the ropes that once held them were cut.

You realized you were laying down on a soft plush bed. It felt like you were sinking into the mattress so you tried to get up but the pain spread across your body. Guess that's what you get for being physically tortured.

A calming presence entered the room. Looking around you saw the outline of the man you had met many times in the dream realm.

"Hey doll," his voice was soft as the day you met him. It still cracked and looked as if he had been crying. His puffy red eyes and cheeks made you want to crawl out and comfort him.

"Hey," you croaked.

"So this isn't exactly how I imagined us meeting. Sorry, you had to get hurt," he chuckled reaching instinctively for his neck.

"It's fine, I am honestly just glad to meet you. Besides, you are my knight in shining armor," you chuckled dryly.

He laughed a little too. He couldn't believe you were sitting here in front of him. The smile that was plastered across your face could light up his darkest days.

That's when Sam barged in, "Hey so I'm Sam the guy who saves his ass half of the time," holding his hand out for you to shake.

A little startled you jump back but eventually shake his hand "Hi. I'm Y/n."

"Sam get your lying ass out of here," you chuckled at the small banter but winced. Bucky noticed and immediately went all overprotective. "Doll are you okay? Can I get you anything? Pain meds?"

Smiling slightly, "Maybe some cuddles."

Immediately you were wrapped up in the super soldier's arms. Every part of him was warm besides the sharp contrast of his metal arm. It sent a shiver down your spine when Bucky noticed he removed it. You whined at the loss of contact "Why'd you move it away?"

"I- I- Sorry I know you probably don't want it wrapped around you," self-doubt seeping into his tone.

"No, no I want all of you. It was a shock at first but I promise you I want all of you and I always will," you leaned up a pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.

Before Bucky could stop himself tears were streaming down his face. Softly brushing them away with your finger you kissed him again but this time on the lips. It was soft and sweet. Bucky kissed back with the same gentleness. Your lips were so soft. He wished he could kiss them for the rest of his life.

"I love you," he muttered out. His eyes went wide with his confession "Oh my god this is so not the time. It's way too early I'm sorry I'm s-"

"Did you mean it?" you cut him off.

Of course, he meant it how could he not. You were sweet and kind he just replied with a simple nod.

"Good cause I love you too. I have loved you since that first night. Even though you pushed me away I loved you."

In the background, you could hear the soft music of It's Been a Long, Long Time by Harry James playing curling up towards Bucky more you fell asleep and met him in the dream realm where it all started.

Your eyes fluttered open to see him standing there. Most of the bruises on your real body were gone you felt minimal pain so you quickly ran into Bucky's arm. He caught you spinning you around the kitchen floor.

"You know this looks exactly like my kitchen from the house I grew up in," he stated as he whisked you around dancing to the song playing in the background.

"That is so cool. Wish you could see the house I grew up in." As quickly as you had made the wish the scenery changed. This time when you surveyed the room it was like your kitchen growing up.

In many ways, it was like Buckys. A small fridge in the corner beside some counter space and a sink. There was a small island in the middle and a stove near the sink. It wasn't the best kitchen to be dancing in but it felt like home.

"I'm guessing this is your childhood kitchen?" Bucky questioned.

You just chuckled and nodded yes. he grabbed you by the hand and spun you around being mindful of the island. Then he walked out the door where normally would lead to the living room. You followed him and you were met with your childhood living room.

Thinking that maybe this was a dream replicate of your childhood you whisked him away to where your bedroom would be.

It was everything was as it was when you were a child. Posters littering your walls a small double bed in the middle. Bookcases lined the walls filled to the brim with fantasy books.

Bucky looked around the room amazed. You also looked around the room you still had many of the same books but your collection had grown even more over time.

The song coming to a close you and he were pulled out. You didn't stir from the peaceful slumber the song allowed while Bucky did. He looked down at you with such admiration in his eye before peacefully drifting off to sleep as well. That night was the first night he didn't have a single nightmare.

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