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John Walker. A piece of shit as far as Bucky was concerned. He had taken over the title of Captain America when Sam had so graciously given up the shield but now it was back in its rightful place. With Sam of course. If Steve chose Sam he had to have a damn good reason. Sam was a great Captain America but Bucky would never say that to his face his ego couldn't handle it.

Here he was walking towards Walker to hopefully sort out whatever issue he has tonight. He was already not in the mood from being pulled from seeing you but he managed to put on a blank expression and move to talk to Walker.

"What do you want Walker?"

"I'm not here for you Barnes so move out of my way and let me talk to who I came to talk to," Walker spat.

"Ok, I am in a real foul mood cause you are keeping me from my girl. So you better start fucking talking or I will rip your throat out."

"Listen Barnes this doesn't concern you it's just one Captain America passing advice on to another."

That ticked Bucky off. Even if he wore the suit and claim to be Captain America he never was "Who the hell are you to think you were ever Captain America? You may have jumped on a couple grenades but you never were Captain America. So stop parading around in that stupid outfit for your new 'Hero' gig and just go home to your wife."

John was the first one to throw a punch. Bucky easily dodged it wanting to look at least half-decent for seeing you tomorrow. Another punch was thrown this time Bucky caught it. Not wanting to put up with his bullshit anymore he pinned it behind his back. Whimpering like the coward he is Sam finally came out and told Buckyg to release him.

To Sam's and John's surprise, he did. Stretching and rubbing his arm while Bucky pushed him so he was unbalanced and headed inside to fall back asleep and hope he hadn't ruined his chances with you.


You woke up later than usual. By the time you had actually got up and ready it was 10:59 you had a little under an hour to get Grand Central and meet your soulmate. You had dreamed of this day for as long as you could remember. Even when you thought you didn't have a soulmate you dreamed of meeting them. It was just something that everyone in your life had. Even if it wasn't a romantic soulmate. Hell one of your best guy friends in college was aromantic and asexual and he found his soulmate. They lived in The Hamptons now they had adopted kids together. You were Auntie Y/n which made you think you should go visit them soon. You had bigger things to worry about now like how you were going to get to Grand Central Park in time. Hopefully, James wouldn't mind if you were a bit late, although it wouldn't make too good of an impression. It didn't matter you could just blame it on the traffic.

Your insecurities were having a field day today. A lot of what-ifs were running through your head. Like what if he didn't actually like you. What if he was gonna be one of those people who used you as a quick fuck. What if- you had to stop yourself from thinking that.

This was your soulmate. You were made for each other. Your souls had always found one another. Even if you didn't believe in reincarnation this was meant to be. You were destined to be with him.

A cold hard object brought you out of your thoughts. It was pressed hard up against your back. "You're going to come with me. With no fighting or you will never live to see your soulmate. Do you understand?" A stone-cold voice rang out.

You were shocked. You couldn't form a sentence. The object pushed deeper into your back "Do you understand?"

"Yes!" You managed to squeak out.


It was 11:57 and Bucky was just wandering around the park aimlessly looking for you. He had forgotten to tell you to meet him near the south entrance so he just wandered around looking for you. It was fine I guess scanned the park to find you his eyes locked onto someone with a similar frame to you. But a man was standing behind you. He looked about 6'4. The man looked familiar so he approached.

Bucky could just barely hear the conversation the two of you were having.

"You're going to come with me. With no fighting or you will never live to see your soulmate. Do you understand?.... Do you understand?" A rough voice demanded.

"Yes!" He knew that voice it was yours. Before he could do anything you were knocked out cold and drug to a van. The van quickly peeled out. Leaving a very shocked and pained Bucky in its wake.

Rage-filled he runs back to his apartment calling Sam saying he needs help and that you have been taken. Sam meets him at his apartment and as soon as he sees Bucky he is shocked. He has never seen Bucky this emotional not even after Steve left. He gets to work right away calling Torres and getting him to track the van.

The apartment was torn to shreds. Couches were flipped, papers were strewn everywhere, glass smashed which Sam could only assume was once a vase. There were holes in the walls. Sam had never seen Bucky's apartment so out of order but I guess that's what happens when your soulmate gets taken. They're laws in place t prevent this from happening ever but still some organizations like Hydra (which is who Sam thought to have taken Y/n) just didn't care they wanted their solider back and would do anything to have him back little did they know all of the programming had been removed from Bucky's mind. They needed it to keep it that way or you would be dead by morning found hung for a street pole for all to see.

"Why Sam? Why her? How did they even know about her? I hadn't made contact with her before. Just how did they know? Unless Walker fucking told them but how the fuck would he know? God fucking dammit this is exactly why I didn't reach out to her. I knew she'd get hurt."

"Buck none of this is your fault."

"Yes, it is. Just- Sam go. I need to be alone."

"Fine. Just don't do anything stupid till I get back."

That struck a chord within Bucky. He picked up the nearest object and threw it at the wall. It hadn't scared Sam he just brushed it off and left.

As soon as Sam Left Bucky broke down crying on the floor. Yearning to have you in his arms.

Soulmate Au Bucky Barnes x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now