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You had rushed out of his apartment so quickly his thoughts immediately went to you regretted every second of last night. How could that be possible you were made for each other?

Bucky didn't trust much but he was quickly falling in love with you which scared him to no end. Dr.Raynor was going to have a hay day. The man she claimed didn't have much of social life (besides Yori) was falling in love.

You were different he felt like he could open up to you about his past but he was also scared to hurt you. You were this beautiful person. Everything thing about you screamed beautiful. Your skin tone complimented your eyes perfectly. Your smile lit up a room which then would bring a small smile from him. You were kind, generous, smart, and funny. He knew this for the time he spent with you in the dream realm but now that he had you he never wanted to let go.


Work was stressful. Stark Industries always moved fast but today was just extra stressful. You wanted to be at home with Bucky. You and him and finally met and now you had to work. It was stupid.

After what felt like forever your shift had ended and you were able to back home. But you didn't want to go home you want to head over to a Bucky's apartment. You wanted to go over to his apartment and sit and watch an old cheesy movie with him. You wanted to sit and cuddle with him for as long as he'd let you. So that's what you did.

You didn't really mean to drive to Bucky's apartment. Technically you did but not at the same time. You didn't want to seem clingy but getting kidnapped and then almost dying has some effect on your attachment level.


Bucky had been sitting in his living room watching tv even he heard his doorbell ring. He walked up to it looked through the peephole that's when he saw you. He immediately opened the door.

"Hey, I thought you weren't going to come back after this morning."

"No. Oh god no James I love you. I just had work and it's at Stark Industries so you know they never stopped especially after Tony's death. I am sorry can I stay here tonight. I totally get it if yo-" you rambled

"I would love nothing more than you to stay the night," Bucky affirmed.

"Really?" You question feeling flush all of the sudden.

"Yeah really." Opening up his door more to you and instead of walking through it you tackle him, catching him off guard and making him fall flat onto the ground.

You lightly kiss him. He reciprocates but when you pull away he pulls you back in for another mind-blowing kiss. You two sort of roll so you are now on your back. Distantly you hear the door slam shut as Bucky starts grounding his hips into yours. You moan slightly allowing Bucky to slip his tongue into your mouth. Finally pulling back after what feels like hours to your lungs but in reality, was probably only a couple of minutes.

You wanted more you craved more than just a physical relationship with him. You had had physical relationships before and they never seemed to work out. You wanted this to work. "Bucky let's go on a date."


"A date. I mean like you are me out to your favorite restaurant. While I dress up real pretty, you pick me up at seven o clock sharp. Maybe bring me flowers open the car door for me. We eat but I barely touch anything hoping not to embarrass myself. Then you drive me back to my house lead me up to the doorstep say 'this was nice. I'll call you.' We part ways not before you leave without a kiss. Maybe I invite you inside for tea or something. All I know is I want a date. A single date with you. I want the stolen kisses I want the romance that authors wrote about in books. I want the movie romance I want to sweep off my feet like they did in the 30s. I just want you," you ramble on.


"I'm sorry I can't just have another physical-wait yes. Just like that yes."

"Just like that yes."

You almost fainted. Maybe this would work maybe your heart wouldn't be crushed by the man you had longed to meet. Maybe you had been able to love and not fear the worst.

What was that quote "In one lifetime you will love many times but one love will burn your soul forever."

Bucky was that love and you know that. You could feel in your soul from the very beginning it was a long ride to get here but know you're here and you couldn't be happier.

Soulmate Au Bucky Barnes x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now