Chapter Twenty-Six: Hermione's Unwanted Revenge

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September 18, 1992

Things were peaceful so far as Val made more progress in her second year at Hogwarts. Her work was coming along just fine, people did not bother her (besides the awkward, stifling conversation Anthony attempted to make with her), and the weather looked as if it was reflecting her mood. Autumn seemed to be delayed, while the nice heat and joy of summer looked intent on staying as long as it would like to.

Val hummed as she wrote more Potions notes, sitting crisscrossed on her bed. The window was open, and the curtains fluttered as the subtle wind flowed, creating the perfect environment for work to get done.

"I should stop now," Val said contentedly, carefully folding the paper just right and placing it near her book on the bedside table.

She checked the clock, tapping her temple with her wand. "I do have a bit of time. Perhaps I can take a nap before dinner."

And that she did. She pulled the curtains of her bed shut, securing the blue material in place before settling snugly under the blanket she had brought from home. She closed her eyes, letting her energy drain from the day's events...


"Are you actually kidding me," Val whined, ripping back the covers, covering her eyes as she tore back the curtains.


"GIVE ME A MINUTE!" Val shouted, hastily putting on Sirius' quidditch jumper, seeing that she had no time to pick a better outfit. It was still far too big for her, since Sirius had broader shoulders and was probably two feet taller when he had first gotten it.

She folded back the sleeves, tucking the end of the jumper into her school skirt as she briskly descended the winding staircase that led from her dorm to the common room.

Padma had a hand on her hip. "I have two things to say to you: first of all, what took you so long? And second of all, you're not helping the Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor argument you have with Anthony by wearing that."

"I didn't have time to put on anything else," Val said groggily as she parted her hair to one side.

"Oh. Well, never mind then. Hermione's outside the door, waiting for you."

"Hermione?" Val rushed to the door that led to the hall of the tower, separating the common room from the rest of Hogwarts.

"I don't know what's wrong with her. She's in a rather sorry state," Padma said, leaving Val to herself as she opened the door.

"A forest? A candle? Oh, just let me in!" Hermione wailed.

"Hermione?" Val kneeled next to the girl who had her back to the wall with her face in her hands.

"Oh, Valentina!" Hermione threw her arms around her, causing Val to topple over from the force.

She had never seen her friend in such a state. "What is it, Hermione? Why are you upset?"

"It's Draco," Hermione said, softer this time. Val's blood boiled at the sound of his name.

"He's never done it to Harry, or even Ron. I don't know why he insists on being such a... rude person. I didn't know who else I could talk to that's been through the same sort of thing, and I forgot the answer to the riddle-"

"-Slow down!" Val grabbed her by the shoulders. "Calm yourself 'Mione. What did he say?"

"He called me a... mudblood."

"He didn't!" Val gasped, putting a hand over her mouth.

"I won't let that thick-headed, revolting..."

"Dreadful? Loathsome?"

"Yes," Hermione sniffed. "All those words and more.

"I won't let him bully me. I'm better than that. I have to be."

Val was no stranger to the insults. They had been more backhanded lately, far more digs at her so-called "status" this year than the last one. They stung at the beginning, but Val had developed a strong front to such words, and she had heard the lot.

She assumed it had to have been their parents. Where else would kids learn such hatred? But it was well ingrained in some minds, and Val knew it was easier to put an idea in someone's head than it was to get an idea out of it.

"Well then we'll show Malfoy a lesson," Val held her head high, dusting off her skirt and pushing herself off from the cold stone floor.

"We can't!" Hermione's eyes widened in panic, using a loose brick to hold onto as she stood up.

"We'll get in trouble! Detention! Or maybe even expelled!"

"Oh," Val shook her head. "Dear, sweet Hermione. It won't come to that. And, even if it does, I won't let you take the blame of course. One of us has to have a spotless reputation."

Hermione gave her a nerve-wracking look. "I still don't think it's a good idea."

"It's not only for you, Hermione," Val walked quickly, only slowing down once Hermione started to follow.

"It's for every muggle-born and half-blood. For all those crushed by wizard hatred!"

"I think you're enjoying this a little too much," Hermione said anxiously.

Val smirked. "Leave it all to me, 'Mione. I know just what to do."

Hermione said the password, and the lady in the portrait allowed them entrance. She departed for her dorm, thanking Val for the conversation, saying what she needed was a bit of rest.

The Gryffindor girl assumed she was there to see Harry, but Val had other plans as she walked to the corner of the red and gold common room.

"Just who I wanted to see," Val beamed.

Fred and George turned, waving in sync with the other.

"LB," George grinned. "What can we do for you?"

A mischievous smile pulled at the ends of Val's mouth.

"How would you like to help me get revenge on Draco Malfoy?"

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