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i sighed as my tears dripped down on to my phone. Splattering like rain drops on the cold hard pavement. It spread out and slowly dropped off of my phone. Becoming nothing as it blended in with the many that fell before it.

Tear after tear. The minutes flew by as cole stayed in surgery. He had so many injures yet he kept fighting. Kept protecting me. And his pack. He truly was a good alpha.

"Excuse me? Luna? You may see him now." My head snapped up to see a young man with blond hair was standing in front of me. I jumped to my feet and miles did the same.

"What room is it?"

"201" the doctor replied. I nodded and started running. Before I knew it I was bursting through the door. Cole was lying in a white bed. He was in human form. Bruises and bandages were racing across his body. His blue eyes closed.

His heart monitor going up and down. But then it flat lined. Doctors started racing around me, pushing me out the door until I was staring at a shut one.

I couldn't do anything. All I could do was stand there. Frozen to my place. Then I realized I was still screaming. I felt myself get pulled backwards. I recognized the smell of the person. Miles. My heart started pounding harder as I saw the doctors do the little heart revive thing.

One of the doctors saw me and shook his head before closing the blinds to the room. Then I collapsed. He might not make it. He might die. He can't. He can't die. He had to stay with me. Doesn't he know he has to stay?

Miles started picking me up and set me in a chair. I stared at the door to Coles room the whole time, not taking my eyes off for a second. He couldn't leave. He had to live.

But how could he? With all of the things he went through. How would he?

I felt like a boat, floating aimlessly around Lost, and he was my anchor. He held me down. He made sure I wouldn't drift away.

But I could feel my anchor breaking g away, sliding away in slippery mud at the bottom of the ocean. Letting me go.

The doctors were still in his room, not coming out, not opening the blinds. I felt lost. Someone patted my shoulder and I turned to see jared. He sat down next to me and I put my head in his shoulder. Then before I knew it, the tears started falling. They fell again and agin, one by one. But then they stopped. He wasent gone yet. He was still here. And he would stay. I knew he would. He's strong.

"Ivy... He'll be okay..." Jared muttered as he stroked my hair.

"I know... I know he will"

I am so so so sorry about this pathetic little short thing I wouldn't even call a chapter. I am sooooo busy right now and I have to many books I'm writing( some not published yet). But thank you to those who are still reading this book. You should expect an update by next Saturday. Thank you and remember to




Remember Me (second book in the 'Alpha's Rogue' series)Where stories live. Discover now