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"Jake! Help me!" Felix yelled as he tried to make me stand up. I refused.

"You know-" he stared at me and gave up, sittig next to me but keeping my muzzle down.

"It's a shame I can't kill you, I would, but I want you to watch ivy die... To feel the bond of mates get destroyed... Then I will kill you"

I growled at him but stopped when he put pressure on my bleeding mouth. I was so tired. My broken paw was starting to heal itself but not as fast as I would have liked.

Jake ran into the room. A wide grin crept across his face.

"He probably can't stand because i Broke his paw"

I groaned as he walked over to me and grabbed my scruff, yanking me to my paws. I started shaking, not because I wanted to, but because my feet were struggling to keep me upright.

"Here" he handed Felix something and Jake ran over to me and grabbed my neck. I struggled to get out of his hold but I couldn't and Felix slipped something over my head. It burned slightly.

"It's metal, has a little silver in it, not enough to kill of weaken, but enough to hurt" I glared at jake. Then I lunged forward and almost bit Felix but jake grabbed the thing around my neck and held me still. I felt like a dog.

"If you shift, you won't have silver wrapped around your neck" Felix hissed as he walked towards the door.

Jake walked after him and pulled me with him, after slipping something over my mouth. They dragged me out side and I looked around. We were in the middle of nowhere and there were hundreds of other werewolves.

Jake yanked my neck and I limped after him, not really caring what he was going to do.

"Well... As you know, werewolves shift when they have to, like if your about to die, they will shift, of if they are in to much pain, they will shift. We are going to make you shift unless you shift right now" I turned to look at Felix. Then jake. Then my bleeding side. It was starting to stop bleeding but..... I don't know.

"What.... What are you going to do when I shift...."

"That's for us to know and you to find out." I sighed.

"Fine, Lara, come out" a dark figure appeared.

"This is Lara, she is a vampire, a very well trained one who knows just how much blood to suck out of someone to make it incredibly painful, but not enough to kill them completely." She licked her fangs and I felt myself back up. I looked at all of them, nervously and Lara darted forward. She gripped onto my neck and I tried to shake her off but I couldn't and she bit down. I fell to the ground and she fell with me. Pain erupted in my neck. It felt like someone was tearing my flesh out. Peace my peace.

I started to feel very light headed. My vision blurred and I tried to push her off. She finally let go and stood over me, licking her blood red fangs. I coughed up blood and growled. There was no way I could stand up. Felix stood over me. He was smiling and I wanted to rip the smile off of his face.

"Shift cole"

I whimpered and he bent down next to my head.

He ran his fingers through the fur on my head and sighed.
"Shift cole"

Then jake walked over to me with a needle in his hand.

"If you don't shift, I will inject it in you... It is the same poison that caused ivy to loose her memory of you... If I use it, you won't remember her."

I couldn't let that happen. Jake sighed and bent down so that he was next to the back of my neck. I felt the needle push against my neck. Not breaking skin, but still there.

"Last chance cole.... Shift now"

And I did. I shifted. I lay on the ground, my black sweats were wet with blood. My bare chest moved up and down rapidly as I struggled for breath. My side and neck was bleeding badly and my vision was fuzzing.

Jake and Felix were smiling. They knew as well as I did that I wouldn't be able to shift back into my wolf form unless I healed. Which would take a while.

Jake took the needle away from my neck and placed it on the ground.

"Good.... Now was that so hard?" I gulped and Felix stood up. So did jake. Lara was still next to me. She ran her cold fingers over my chest and licked her lips.

"Hows it going hot stuff?" She moved her hand so that it was cupping my cheek and I looked away. She pouted and stood up.

"What are you going to do with him?" I looked at my side. There were long scratches in it. Deep ones. I was still on the ground, unable to move. Y heart was trying to replace all of the blood it lost.

"We.... We are going to have some fun."

Poor cole....So anyways, remember to




Remember Me (second book in the 'Alpha's Rogue' series)Where stories live. Discover now