In the beginning. There was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release. And finally, the Darkness broke. Filling it with life... With, The Multiverse. Every existence multiplied...
John, Arlo, Blyke, Isen, Ventus, Zeke and Adrion were chained up. Seraphina lifts John's chin.
"Oh John~ You are so handsome. And your all mine." Seraphina giggles.
Elaine licks Arlo's chin. Remi moves her hand around Blyke's chest. Cecile moves her hand around Isen's face. Meili nibble's Ventus ear. (F/N) begins to suck Zeke's neck. Claire nibbles on Adrion's neck.
"And we are ready to do it. Here and now." Seraphina licks her lips.
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The sky becomes red. The girls look out the window.
"When does the sky become red?" (F/N) asks.
"It never does." Cecile responds.
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The antimatter begins to erase Wellston.
"If we are dying. We die with our love." Remi says.
The girls run to the guys and kiss them. All of them get erased by the antimatter wave.
UnOrdinary: Crisis On Infinite Earths
*Watcher's Sanctuary*
{Earth 909 has been erased.}
{Earth 908, Earth 811, Earth 785 and Earth 818 have also been erased by the antimatter wave.}
"And how many towers do we have left?" Claire asks.
"That's not good." Mai says.
{It's not.}
"Do you think we can save the other four towers?" Claire asks.
{No. At this point, the towers will be all destroyed. So Mai. Choose you want to take when going to the prison and stop the machine.}