In the beginning. There was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release. And finally, the Darkness broke. Filling it with life... With, The Multiverse. Every existence multiplied...
Previously on UnOrdinary: Crisis on Infinite Earths
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{HAHAHAHAHA!!! Foolish girl They are not like the ones you know. Throughout the Multiverse, The Legion of Evil are most dangerous villains to ever exist. So much so that heroes and villains alike band together to fight them.}
"Your nothing and you will never amount to anything. Do you really believe you can kill us?" Darkshock asks.
"Die like all those that have fallen! HEHEHEHAHAHAHA!!!" Delta Princess releases a burst of delta energy.
"Bleed for me." Caroline rips out Jake's rib cage.
"The light shall make you witness death!" Eileen grabs Wendy and rips out her throat.
"Sadness will lead to death. Accept what is coming." Victoria says.
"You have a lot of fear in you. What are you scared of fool?" Felix looks at Ben. "And you have sadness. Fear. Why?" He looks at Olivia. "Ahhh!!! I see. Hehehe! Do not worry." Felix begins to absorb Olivia and Felix life force. "Your emotions will kill you as your life force gets drained."
"Foolish girl. What nightmares can you possibly bring against me? Judgement is upon you. And I sentence you, TO DEATH!" Veronica rips out Cinis heart and crushes it.
"Oh~! I'm so sorry. Were you about to reveal what you were truly were? Heh! Even if you did. You wouldn't escape your fate. You will die. BY MY HANDS!!!" Silvia yells a she closes her hands.
"Toxicity is in everyone. And there is no redemption. Only pain. Misery. Suffering." Gary says as he unleashes a tsunami of poison.
"Did you really believe you can win against us?" Silvia asks.
"We will never be good." Veronica says.
The nine eyes glow sinisterly.
"There is no hope! With the powers we posse. We always kill our targets. ALL WILL DIE BY OUR HANDS!!" the nine laugh evilly as their auras appear.
"We'll enjoy this. Over and over. No one has ever escaped the Legion of Evil. All immortals have died. Every person considered Overpowered have fallen. And no one is capable of dealing us!! As we are the embodiment of EVIL!!!" Silvia shouts.
{Bring them back all you want. Even you won't be able to stop this. I have won!! And let the final minutes begin!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!}