In the beginning. There was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release. And finally, the Darkness broke. Filling it with life... With, The Multiverse. Every existence multiplied...
The Heroes of the Multiverse get covered in a rainbow light. The rainbow light dims down. The Heroes of the Multiverse begin to wake up
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The One Above All appears. The heroes of the Multiverse look at her.
"Woah!" Most of the heroes say.
[Heroes of the Multiverse. You have stopped the Destroyer. And I am well aware of the anger you have against me. Be mindful that this was not my mess. I had rules in placed and your creators broke them.]
"Well I still believe that's bullshit." Jaya says.
"We trained hard to get that strong." Gabriel says.
"Is there anything else we should be aware of?" Ari asks.
[The Multiverse shall be restored. However, things will not be the same.]
"Huh? Why." Eloise asks.
"Yeah. I agree." Ella says.
"Can't you just restore everything before the crisis occurred?" Miguel asks.