In the beginning. There was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release. And finally, the Darkness broke. Filling it with life... With, The Multiverse. Every existence multiplied...
Seraphina, Remi, Cecile, Elaine, Meili, Juni, Illena, Wenqi and Evie were dancing. All the rest of the students were cheering. Seraphina, Remi, Elaine and Evie were singing. Isen and Terrence were taking pictures. John was smiling as he made eye contact with Seraphina. Seraphina smiled as she continued to sing.
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The sky becomes red.
"What the?" Roland looks up.
Seraphina, Remi, Cecile, Elaine, Meili, Juni, Illena, Wenqi and Evie stop dancing and singing as they look up the red sky. Everyone else were chatting.
"OH MY GOD!" Juni yells.
Everyone saw what Juni was seeing.
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Wellston High was erased from existence.
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