In the beginning. There was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release. And finally, the Darkness broke. Filling it with life... With, The Multiverse. Every existence multiplied...
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{I am the Watcher of the Multiverse. I see everything that happens. I see how all the events occur.}
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{I am the Protector of the Multiverse. I make sure no earth in the Multiverse steps out of bounds. That they don't disturb the events of other earths. Changes have to be made I deem it necessary.}
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{I'm the Teleporter of the Multiverse. I teleport to all the worlds that have died or will end badly. Or worlds that will see their final moments when the Destroyer erases the earths in the Multiverse.}
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{I am the Destroyer of the Multiverse. I erase all the worlds that have died or are destined to fall. Making room for new earths to be born by themselves or by the creators.}