In the beginning. There was only one. A single black infinitude. Then the infinitude found release. And finally, the Darkness broke. Filling it with life... With, The Multiverse. Every existence multiplied...
My dumbass just wanted to do this like it was some show XD. It isn't the case, I know.
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UnOrdinary: Crisis On Infinite Earths
Written By: Zoom9351
Date: 06/07/2021 - 07/01/2021
Day to night,
The Watcher, The Protector and The Teleporter/Pariah smile. | Mai(Earth 104) & Claire(Earth C) do a peace sign with one eye close.
Dark to light,
The Destroyer looked sad. | Black Flash & Nika just stared at the reader(s).
Fall the sands of time.
Old Woman Jessica(Earth 515), Adult Joshaphina(Earth 832), Adult Evie(Earth 305), Adult Jane(Earth 450) & Adult Remi(Earth 756) smiled as half their bodies were erased. | Eloise(Earth 99), Ella(Earth 65), Ari(Earth 48), Crystal(Earth 87), Stephanie(Earth 97) & Olivia(Earth 36) were smiling as they did a peace sign. | Luke(Earth 90), Ben(Earth 511), Aurelia(Earth 117), Maeve(Earth 108), Leah(Earth 151) & Delta(Earth 92) had their fists up, ready to fight as they smiled.
All the organization members were smirking. | Earths were being erased.
Of a clock unwind
Ms.Bowkin(Earth 130), Daisy(Earth 832), Janet(Earth 112), Relanda(Earth 41), Issei(Earth 62), Mina H. Doe(Earth 333), Elisa(Earth 222), Kathy(Earth 429), Evelin(Earth 188), Maddy(Earth 250), Rix(Earth 397), Mary(Earth 501), Elias(Earth 240) and Ezra (Earth 838) grin as they look at the reader[s].
In your mind,
Adrien(Earth 591), Nino, Alya, Chloe, Sabrina(Earth 591), Luka & Kagami smiled. | Finn, Abigail, Cain, Zack, Alice, Allen extended their fists to the readers as they smiled.