Unrequited love (Jacklyn)

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[scene of abuse]

I was walking along the corridor of the university where I was going, heading towards the dormitory, and then going to my room, straight under the blanket to finally be able to sleep. It hadn't been an easy day at all. I had slept three hours because I had to prepare for a very difficult exam for which I had been studying for months, that day everyone was against me and I just couldn't understand why, people seemed to have the perfect excuse to get angry with me by doing drop the blame on me for things I hadn't done.

I went into the room I shared with Harvey, took off my shoes and quickly all the clothes fell on different parts of the floor. I threw myself on the bed, under the blanket, hugging my pillow and falling asleep as soon as my eyes closed .

I dreamed of what I couldn't have, I dreamed of him.

My parents always told me that I would do many things in my life, I would have a beautiful woman by my side and many children, but when I found myself at the age of fourteen I realized that this was not the future that I wanted for myself. I wanted him, I wanted his love, I wanted children who had our characteristics, who had his smile and my eyes and who had his talent and my character. I wanted to be able to call him "mine", I wanted him to be mine and mine alone, just as I wanted him to call me the same way because I wanted to be his and only his.

As soon as I saw him I always had the constant need to have my lips on his, to be able to intertwine our fingers and hold his hand, to be able to sink my fingers into the softness of his hair, to be able to lose myself in the green vastness of his eyes, to be able to remain in his. arms all the time.

But I couldn't have any of this because he was already giving all this to another person, a girl. His girlfriend was beautiful, but she was quite the opposite of me and this was just another proof that I could never be his type. Of course, he liked the way I drew and he congratulated me because a few times when the teachers had read to the class about the essay I had written, an essay he loved, this was the word he had used.

Not being able to have all this, the only thing I had left was dreaming. I dreamed with my eyes closed and with my eyes open, I dreamed of being with him because in reality I couldn't.

"Harvey? Harvey, what are you doing?" I woke up after about three hours because Harvey woke me up.

He took me by the arm, throwing me out of bed and forcing me to go somewhere.

"What are you doing?" he opened the door to Andy and Jack's room.

Andy and Rye were on Andy's bed, the laptop on their lap while they watched a movie, their fingers intertwined.

"What is happening?" all three asked in alarm.

"I have no idea"

"Now," Harvey began, taking Jack by the arm, "you two are clearing up your mind"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

We heard a click and as we turned we saw a pair of handcuffs around our wrists.

"Those are our handcuffs!" Andy and Rye yelled, clearly pissed that Harvey stole them.

"Harvey what the fuck ?!"


"Why?!" he yelled "Why can't you two not fight and now I force you to spend time together, alone, until you get over it"

"You're making a big mistake Harvey," Jack said, this time in a much more serious tone and inexplicably my heart started beating at a speed that if it didn't calm down it could make me collapse.

ℝ𝔸ℕ𝔻𝕐 & 𝕁𝔸ℂ𝕂𝕃𝕐ℕ 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊🏳️🌈Where stories live. Discover now