WARNING: I am stupid and lazy so some parts will be in 3rd person some in 1st person for some reason and it changes at random times so I won't check I am very sorry
So Tommy is a girl and Tommy's real name is Cassie, short for Cassandra, and Lucas (Tommy's older brother) went to his room while Tommy was streaming
Lucas's Point of view*
I went to Cassy's room. I know she is trans but that was 5 years ago I've known her as a she and her name as Cassandra I feel so bad but I do call her Tommy and use the pronouns him/he everytime I can and I fully support her I just...I can't do it
"Hey Cassie, mom says that we are going out to eat because it's rand that before we go she's dragging us to the store"
Tommy's point of view*
I flinch when Lucas uses the word Cassie but ignore it so everybody, which means the stream and his friends that he was playing with, and I answered
"Aw man but I'm playing among us with my friends!" "Cassie, mom will get mad if you keep on complaining and going with your stream" Stupid Lucas didn't even get that I was trying to tell him that I needed, and wanted, him to call me Tommy
"Fiiiine, sorry guys I have to go I'll see you guys most likely in...3 hours, motherinnit takes A LONG time shopping" I said and as I started to end the stream a donation said "Why did the guy who came in say 'Cassie' just asking bye Tommy!" And it read outloud
'Shit shit shit' was all I could think of because I know Lucas is going to ruin it. I ended the stream so he wouldn't have a chance and then turned to Lucas and glared at him
"Cass why did that person call you Tom- am I an idiot sorry I know that's the name you've been using for 5 years sorry but you know I'll always call you Cass"
"Yeah yeah let's just get this over with I don't want to go shopping with mom" I said
"Let me guess you don't want to wear a dress" - Lucas said a getting a bit annoyed
"Of course I don't! Mom still thinks that I'm 'Her little girl' it hasn't been that way for five years" I said getting a bit frustrated with the way mom treats me
"Well you can't blame her she has always wanted a daughter and then you cameq and we can't break her heart by saying you don't want to be a girl" Lucas said with sympathy, which I did not know existed in him
"Yeah well I guess I need to take the wig off and brush my hair" I said trying to just get my older brother out of the room
"Oh shut up I know you always brush your hair before putting the wig on and somehow it's still straight and not frizzy I swear your hair defies the laws of long hair do you know how long mom takes to do hers"
"Jeez, you don't have to be mean to me you don't have long hair either"
"Just take off the wig you are making me think that you were actually born a boy"
"I've alread told you to stop making those jokes I was born a girl and I want to be a boy you really need to get a new brain" I said as I took off my wig
I wanted to cut my hair but mom would have been very sad or disappointed especially because she loves the way it looks when it is down
When I fully took off my wig beautiful blonde straight hair came down to my waist
"It still amazes me every single time that you can do your make-up so well, wig so well, and you can just do an amazing loud and annoying voice"
"Hey! What's that last part supposed to mean"

Tommy's Siblings One Shots (Both Brother And Sister)
Hayran KurguOne shots of Tommy's sibling/siblings Edit: Dear readers, I made this as soon as I downloaded Wattpad (April 30, 2021) and it's really cringy. I have gotten so much better at making stories than this and ask for you to read my Tommyinnit angst/fluff...