number 4: fame

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The next month went by so quickly. Neither of us exactly knew what anything meant. Everything was happening so fast that it was hard to keep track. There was one thing certain, and it was their fame.

Over the course of last month, their fame had grown extraordinarily. They now had thousands of fans all around the world. I barely could spend time with them. They were traveling a lot and even though I was going everywhere they went, they were spending most their time making interviews and keeping up with their concerts. While they were busy with whatever they were supposed to be busy with, I was spending my time walking around the city and exploring new places. This was a unique experience for me. Being in gorgeous cities with these four beautiful people was something beyond imagination.

Also they put a lot of effort for me to not feel alone. They were always in touch with me during the day, asking where I was and what I was doing. Even though I was theirs for sexual satisfaction, they were too precious to not care about my feelings. They often treated me as their friend and I felt like one.

I was walking around in the streets of Florence. The band was taking a rehearsal for tomorrow's concert. I had some free time before meeting them in the afternoon. I didn't had a lot of friends in Italy because I originally was from the UK but one of my old friends was in Italy for college. I saw this free time as an opportunity to meet her. I'd texted her yesterday so all I had to do was wait for a couple more minutes.

I saw her coming through me shortly after. She looked like a real Italian now. I couldn't help myself but laugh. When she came near me and talked, I realized her accent had changed a bit as well.

"Hi! It's been a long time since I saw you June!" she said cheerfully. I hugged her and she hugged me back. We were both smiling. It really had been a long time.

After the first greetings, we sat down to a cute coffee shop. We talked a little bit of this and that. She was in her second year of college now, studying politics. She mentioned a boyfriend but didn't really focused on details. I remembered her learning Italian in high school but she was so much more better at it now. I'd realized that when she was giving our orders too.

"You look so beautiful." she said smiling. "It's as if you're glowing."

It felt good to hear that. I was happy at life. I had everything I wanted. So it felt good to learn I also could show it in the outside. I didn't find myself physically beautiful. I was of course, happy with how I looked. I wasn't really an insecure type. But being with three literal gods and a one goddess, it was hard not to compare. I wasn't jealous of them or anything but I didn't find myself as attractive as I found them. 

"Thank you," I said. Looking down, trying not to smile too much. It was as if I was trying to keep the formula secret. But when she said:

"What brought you here?" I found myself wanting to explain everything to her.

Even though we hadn't spoke much since high school, we were pretty close back in the time. I trusted her with nearly all of my secrets and she never failed me. So I thought it wouldn't hurt to be honest.

"Did you watch Eurovision this year?" I asked. She shook her head with excitement. She was living in Italy. I would suspect that she was living under a rock if she didn't watch the competition this year.

"Yeah, " she said eagerly, "Italian band was amazing. I'm literally in love with them all."

What she said made me a little ashamed. I bit inside my cheeks to stop myself from smiling like a fool. I hardly looked at her. 

"Well, I've been living with them for the last year."

She dropped her fork to the plate. She was looking at me with a big surprise in her face, eyes wide open. I couldn't keep the eye contact still so I looked down at my own plate. I was unintentionally playing with my fingers.

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