number 43: cure

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I'm planning on finishing this story in 60th or maybe 70th chapter... And for the next story we have a few options so feel free to comment on your preferred one.

A) Spin off to this one with Ethan and Thomas as main characters which will also cover June, Dami and Vic's futures.

B)Fan fiction with Damiano as a love interest with someone rather than June

C) Fan fiction with Ethan as a love interest: 

C.1) With June as a main character but with different plot

C.2) Completely different characters and characteristics.

D) Fan fiction with Vic as the main character:

D.1)With June as a main character but with different plot

D.2)Completely different characters and characteristics.

E) Fan fiction with Thomas as the main character:

E.1) With June as a main character but with different plot.

E.2)Completely different characters and characteristics.



The curse, the cure,

Both were in her.

I hold her hands tight,

Not giving up without a fight.

Oh Marlena, my muse,

eyes brighter than the moons.

I was poisoned with your love,

Until you arrived to hold me tight.

Oh Marlena, my muse,

I was cursed with your absence

Until I was cured by your presence.

Oh Marlena, Marlena...

I watched them perform the song I had never heard before with eyes filled with tears. Until now, I was Marlena. This song had made Marlena, me. Now she was me, not the other way round. I couldn't believe he had based a song to our relationship, which had just started.

Don't fool yourself,I told to myself. Your relationship had started one and a half years ago. When you fucking decided to move to Italy.

When they were done, I went in to the studio. I gave them all a kiss on the cheek before finally arriving to Damiano. I gave him a passionate kiss which we didn't took very far for obvious reasons.

"I fucking love it," Thomas said. Ethan agreed. Damiano looked at Vic,

"Vic helped me with the chords or else I wouldn't be able to finish it overnight."

I looked at all of them. "Thank you all so much. Not for the song but for everything." I said. When had I become an emotional person. This was so unlike me but I truly felt grateful for every opportunity I was given. I felt grateful because they were given to me.

"No we thank you," Ethan said. "For choosing us over your life."

"You are my life you idiots," I looked at each of them.

"Oh my god," Victoria said. "Since when are you all such cry babies. I miss my badass girl," She said. She kinda was right but I could see the tears in her eyes too so who was she to tell us that we're crybabies.

"Oh shut up," I told her and walked near her. I started to tickle her and she laughed. Others joined in too so our laughters filled in the studio.

Had tickling become... Was it the new replacement for the group sex we used to have?

The fuck June?

 I got angry at myself for thinking the way I did but it was too funny not to laugh. Also Thomas tickling my neck wasn't helping.

We laughed until Alex (w.n: their manager for those of you who don't remember) told us to stop and they had so much to do. When I left the recording area my stomach was hurting because of laughing too much.


We decided to spend the night over their house. As we most of the time did when they were free. The winter had arrived so it wasn't really much of a concert season. They spent most their time preparing the new album. Other than that, we were free most of the time. At least for the next couple of months.

We ate dinner chatting and laughing. Now we were all tired and just laying. Thomas had laid down on Ethan's chest, Ethan was playing with his hair. They were on the big couch so Vic was in the same couch as them. She was looking at something on her phone.

Damiano and I were on the armchair. He was sitting on the armchair in a chill way and I was sitting on his laps. I was sitting in a weird way. I was vertical to the usual position that you would sit on an armchair so my legs were hanging down from the arm stand. My left arm was wrapped around Damiano's neck.

"Christmas is around," I hear Ethan say. "We should celebrate it."

Vic looked away from her phone, "Jeez, none of us believe in Christianity or even god for that matter."

"So?" asked Ethan. His excitement made him look like a toddler. "It's no reason to not have fun and buy each other gifts."

"I hate shopping for gifts, I never can find what people like," I said. I didn't like giving away or receiving gifts at all. This was the reason I had never told them when my birthday was when they asked.

"Is that so?" Damiano said with enjoyment. His face looked like he was up for a challenge. And for one thing, I would never turn a challenge down.

"Well, I guess I could make an exception just this once," I said. Ethan clapped his hands with joy.

"So tomorrow, it's secret santa time."



Thought I could spice things up with some holiday joy cause why not?

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