number 41: reveal

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Multimedia is so cute I'm in LOVE.

We hit 15K reads which is totally insane. I can't believe how far we've come in such short notice.



We hugged for almost half an hour, just laying in bed, waiting for everything to sink in. I felt happy. Happier than the last month. Maybe happier than ever.

Everything was so dreamy. He was everything a person could ask for. He was more than I could ask for. His love was something I thought I could never have. I hated myself for running away from him. If only I knew he felt the way he did, this thing we were living could happen so much sooner.

But in another aspect, waiting had made it even more valuable. I thought I could never have him and when I did, it felt like heaven on earth.

He smelled my hair and gave me a kiss on the head. "I have to get ready now." He said.

We had spent half of the day without leaving the bed. Everything had changed since last night, right here, on this bed. I slowly nodded. I didn't want to leave the bed anymore. Everything had happened here and I was scared it would be over once we left.

"You are coming too right?" he asked when he saw me not attempting to got up as he did. I didn't know if I wanted to go or not. I didn't want to be apart from him but I was also scared of facing Vic.

"I think I should talk to Victoria alone," I said looking into his eyes. He was wearing his pants. He put his belt on and sat down on the bed. He took my hand and started to rub my hand with his thumb.

"Mi amore, I can't tell you what to do but you know that we're in this together right? You don't have to face every challenge alone anymore."

He was perfect. He was too perfect. I smiled at him.

"If you want too, we can tell her together," I said. I was still scared but his support had made everything seem easier.

"Okay, we will do it today then. We will tell Vic, Ethan and Thomas." he said. He didn't know that we were talking about him with Ethan and Thomas.

"Damiano," I looked at him shyly. He looked at me with curiosity, he looked precious.

"I love it when you pronounce my name," he said which was out of the topic but made me smile. I frowned but I was smiling too.

"Sorry love, do continue."

"I think this will not be big of a surprise to Ethan and Thomas though..." I said. He looked confused but I was pretty sure he knew what I had implied. He grinned playfully.

"What does that mean?" He said.

"Means that I had told them, that I-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"That you love me," he said playfully. He looked like he was enjoying himself. I hit his arm with a fake rage.

"Stop it." I said. We both laughed. He pulled me to himself and hugged me in between our laugh. I felt excited when he hugged me so I stopped laughing and started smiling instead.

"We really should get ready." I said. He sighed.

"I know but I don't want to."

"Me neither," I replied but I knew we had to so I got up. He had to follow me.

We got dressed and I let Damiano do my makeup which was fun. We were kinda late to the rehearsal but no one said anything. They were 'important people' now so no one from the agency could really give them a lecture about being late.

We entered the studio. The next hours went by as they started to record their new album. Time to time, our eyes met with him. He smiled every time and I responded the same way. I also had got caught by Thomas and Ethan. I was pretty sure they had already figured it out. Even before we arrived, they possibly suspected something going on because we had spent the night in his room and we hadn't come out in the morning.

I waited nervously for their work to be over. When it did, we left the building. We were walking with Damiano and Thomas was walking with Vic in front of us. Ethan who was the last to left the studio came near us,he started to walk on my left because Damiano was on my right.

"You glow June." he whispered for Damiano not to hear. I looked at Ethan and smiled. I hit his waist with my elbow, jokingly.

"We're happy for you." he said talking for both himself and Thomas. I smiled shyly.

I felt Damiano's arm behind my head. He reached to Ethan's head and hit it jokingly.

"Don't embarres my girlfriend." he said.

He clearly had not planned Victoria to hear it.

"Your what?" we heard her say.

I wanted to leave the ending in suspense so here you go, last chapter of the day🤚🏻

Be My Slave (Måneskin Fanfiction // Damiano Victoria Ethan Thomas)Where stories live. Discover now