number 42: her

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Hiii! Yesterday I had uploaded 3 chapters already during this time but today I was kinda busy so I can only start writing now. (It's 13.20 pm lol)

Also I saw that we are number one in ethantorchio hashtag so that's nice.


I tried to smile but looking at Vic's shocked face, it was kind of a hard thing to do. I heard Ethan say: "Uh-oh."

Vic looked at Ethan devastated, "So you knew?" she asked. She had got it all wrong, as if we had kept a secret from her. Well she wasn't completely wrong but we were going to tell her. And everything had happened today. Thomas and Ethan knew about it not because we told them but because they had figured it out themselves. Vic turned her blue eyes to Thomas. Thomas glanced away with guilt which made Victoria look like she was disappointed in us.

"I fucking can't believe you." she said, spitting her words out. I couldn't figure out if she was angry because we were now dating or that everyone knew except for her. I felt so bad that I felt my legs not being able to carry me anymore. I felt Damiano holding my arm to give me strength. This kinda made me feel even worse, because I knew Vic also needed strength but no one was giving it to her.

"It only happened  today," Damiano said, in order to help with the situation. Vic laughed hysterically, 

"Which only makes it worse." she said and continued. "We were all together during the afternoon, you told them but you didn't tell me is that so? Did everyone start to keep things away from me for all of a sudden? Why the fuck?"

She had got it all wrong. I felt bad because she felt like an outsider. I took a step to her but she stepped back. I tried to reach her arm to hold it but she didn't let me.

"Vic..."  I said. "Can we talk about it?"

"We should've talked about it beforehand June. Seems like you made your decision and not cared me enough to let me know." She attempted to walk away. 

"Vic it's not like that," I tried to say but she left without listening to me. I felt Damiano wrap his arm around my waist, "Give her time," he said. 

I knew that everything wouldn't be perfect once we left the bed. It all seemed too perfect, almost like a dream. I would suspect it was a dream if nothing bad happened. Of course, it was not a dream and it was real life. Every good thing came with a challenge in real life.

I looked at Damiano's light brown eyes, he looked like he was worried about me. I didn't care about myself though. Vic needed someone more than I did right now.

"You should go after her," I looked at Damiano. He looked like he couldn't decide what he should do.

"I don't wanna leave you alone," he said. I looked at Thomas and Ethan,

"I'm not alone but she is. You should talk to her, she will listen to you. She always does," I said. Damiano still looked undetermined but he decided to go anyway. I asked Thomas for a cigarette. He landed me one while talking.

"You know she is not angry because you started to date but because you didn't tell her right?" he said, trying to comfort me.

"I'm not that sure," I said. I knew Thomas and Ethan dating wasn't the same as Damiano and me. Not for her. And now that all group had suddenly started to date each other, I would understand if she was hurt. I knew I would be hurt if I was her. This was one of the reasons why I had run away from him in the first place.

"She'll come to her senses," Ethan said. "She cares all of us too much not to forgive."

"That only upsets me more," I said. "She has this huge heart, she has love for everyone. I feel guilty for making her feel this way."

"She'll be happy for you just like she was for us," Thomas said, grabbing my hand. I felt lucky for having them with me. All of them. It was like Damiano said. Love came in very different shapes and forms. I loved them all in a different way and I was lucky they loved me back.


After and hour, we learned Vic had went to her apartment and they had a talk with Damiano. Thomas, Ethan and I went to her place. I asked both them and Damiano to leave us alone, which they were sympathetic about. I gave them all hug before they left and I walked near Victoria who was in her room.

I was about to say sorry but she talked before I did.

"I'm sorry for storming out like that. It wasn't my place to be angry about your relationship."

I looked at her. I loved her so much. She was the most compassionate person I had ever met.

"We should've told you earlier." I said. "I'm sorry."

"Damiano explained it to me June. It wasn't like you were keeping a secret or anything. And even if you did, I still had no right to be angry. I wasn't to Thomas and Ethan," she said slowly. She broke our eye contact and looked at her hands.

"I could've talk to you about my feelings like I did with Thomas and Ethan. I guess I was scared to hurt you." I said, being honest as she deserved. She looked back at me again and smiled.

"Thank you," she said.

"I love you, you know that right?" I asked her because I truly wanted her to feel my love. 

"I know that. I love you too. But I know I don't love you in that way and you don't either. Of course I'll miss our lady sex times but I always knew all of us would get into relationships one day. I think I wasn't expecting you guys to pair up. I'm also happy you did in a way. Because now, I know there is something that will hold you with us."

"Don't say it like that. There was always something that was holding me with you." I said. I couldn't get rid of the heavy feeling I had. I took the cigarette she offered me.

"What I mean is, what would you feel if all of us had gotten boyfriends or girlfriends? Yes, you are our friend but wouldn't you feel weird around our partners? I know you June and I also know you wouldn't be comfortable."

She was right and we both knew it. 

"I'm sorry," I felt the need to say. She shook her from one side to another.

"For what you stupid? For falling in love?" she asked.

"For making you feel left out." I said. I realized I had missed talking to her. Just like the others, we also knew what we meant in every word so I was never scared of her to get me wrong. I knew she wouldn't.

"I'm happy for you," she shrugged carelessly, "I've never been a relationship person anyway. I care too much you know? I have too much love for you idiots that I can't bear ; nor responsibilities neither the emotions of a romantic relationship."

I knew she meant what she said but I could also feel she was slightly hurt deep down. I moved next to her in bed and gave her the biggest hug. I wanted her to feel she was loved and she meant the world to me.

"Let's go near the others," she said, trying to break the dramatic atmosphere. "I'll go kill the lucky bastard."

I laughed at her and we left her apartment hand in hand.



The love I have Vic... My babyyyyyyyy.

 I left Vic single because I'll be the one marrying her. I can't share her with anyone else.

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