number 37: anger

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Hi! After a chapter of Damiano's thoughts we're now back to June's. I love my baby June but she really should stop being stupid...

But I can kinda understand her too. She thinks she has unreturned feelings towards the boy she should 'casually' fuck and she's just trying to get rid of them.

She is still being stupid though. June, baby, I'll kill you if you break Damiano's heart.



I left the pub feeling like crap. I couldn't believe he was making staying away so hard. I wanted him to not care about me anymore, so I could replace love with anger.

Yet, seeing him kiss that girl had hurt me.

I was never jealous of them, of him. Over the last one and a half year, they had seen other people too. I never cared. Ever.

Not until now.

I wasn't jealous that he had kissed her. I was jealous because she had kissed him. She had touched the lips that gave me life. She had felt the kiss, I needed for so long but I couldn't have. I was jealous, because she could kiss him without feeling heavy on the heart. Without looking to his eyes and pretending she doesn't love him.

I walked the way home, smoking countless amounts of cigarettes. I opened my phone to see there were a lot of calls and texts from Ethan, Thomas and Vic.

Victoria: Where the  fuck are you?  Are you with Damiano, he's also nowhere to be seen

Thomas:   June  are you okay? I saw Damiano right outside the pub. Did you talk?

The next messages was 30 minutes later than the other ones.

Ethan: Fuck. June I think you should come back here.

Victoria: June where the hell are you? We found David, he was fucking beating the shit out of someone, we managed to take him out before anyone realized it was him. He looks so terrible

Thomas: Come to our place please. He looks like shit and we need you.

I felt my heart beating faster with fear. What had happened. Was he okay?

I wish I hadn't lef him.

I found myself getting into a cab to go to their place without hesitation. I needed to see him, see that he's okay.

I texted Vic to tell her that I was on my way. The road seemed like it lasted forever.

It didn't naturally. I got off once we arrived. I rushed to their apartment. I rang the bell a couple times before they answered. It was Ethan who opened the door.

"He is fine," was the first thing he told me. I loved Ethan so fucking much. He always knew what I needed to hear. I hugged him tight before going into the living room. I saw Damiano wasn't there.

"He's in his room," Victoria told me once she realized I was looking for him.

"What happened," I said still standing. Ethan was near me standing too. He softly touched my waist to make me feel his presence.

"He told us he bumped into this random guy, he said sorry but the guy kinda went off, saying he should've been careful or something.Damiano seems angry-more than usual lately so he kinda got angry and the guy too."

Vic explained. It was a usual bar fight that could happen to anyone though I couldn't help myself but feel guilty about it. I nodded to Vic and started to walk to his door. I slowly knocked it.

"Vic fuck off, I don't want to drink soup." I heard his voice behind the door.

I smiled unintentionally and opened the door. I saw him lying, half naked only wearing boxers. He laied on his front so he couldn't see who had come.

"Are you okay?" I asked slowly. He got up to a sitting position once he heard my voice. I didn't want to walk too close so I was still standing at the door. I saw he had few bruises but that was only it. He looked tired more than anything. As if his emotions were taken away from him.

"It's not like you care." he said.

You don't understand it Damiano David. I care. I care more than I should.

"Don't say that." I said. He looked at my eyes, as if he wanted to say something. But he didn't.

"Do you need anything?" I asked, hoping I could help. He looked at my eyes again, making a deep eye contact.

"You. I need you."

I glanced away. I felt my whole body shiver. I didn't have a proper response to him. He kept talking,

"Can you sleep here tonight. Not to have sex. Just come here please. I won't even touch you in any way if you want. I just want to fall asleep listening to your breathing."

My soul had left my body. I felt scared and excited at the same time. I opened my mouth to give an answer and I failed.

"I..I-" was the only thing I could say. He looked disappointed but not surprised.

"You can't. I know."

I didn't give him an answer. I felt bad for him. And I wanted to sleep in his bed more than he did. So I slowly removed my skirt and shirt, now standing only with my purple lace underwears. I walked near him and crawled in his bed. Our bodies not touching each other.

I heard him whisper "Thank you." before I fell asleep.
I'm an emotional yarn ball and they play with my heart as if a cat is playing with a yarn ball.

I'm not even mad about it

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