number 35: relationship

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besties why do I think about starting a spin off of Be My Slave , telling Ethan and Thomas's story?

Like we can see how their relationship has improved and what future waits for them. Also since I would start writing it once I'm finished with this one, we could also see things from Damiano June and Vic's futures as well.

Would that be good to read? Idk. Just a thought.


I watched them rehearse. It felt good to be in the studio. I realized I'd missed it. Even though I didn't have any work to do when they were at the studio, the atmosphere was so nice to be in.

They finished playing the song. I saw Damiano grabbing a water for himself.  Vic sat down on the floor, looking tired. Ethan got up and left his drum set. He grabbed a bottle too but gave it to Thomas before drinking it himself.

I went in to the studio.

"Congratulations," I said. "perfect as always."

Each one of them thanked me except for Damiano. He was keeping his distance with me now.

Even though I tried my best, I had failed to keep everything the way they were. He was distant even when he didn't know. I didn't want to think about what would become if he found out about the way I felt.

"June did you see my hair tie?" I heard Ethan asking. I shook my head  negatively. He hold his hair in his hands, pulling then away from his sweaty neck.

I saw Thomas got out of where he sat and walk near him. He removed the hair tie that was around his wrist and gave it to Ethan.

"I had brought one for you just in case. You always lose your own."

Okay not to be dramatic or anything, but I would fucking kill for protecting their relationship from any harm.

I heard Victoria say "Awwww..." which was pretty relatable. Ethan smiled shyly and gave Thomas a kiss. Damino  closed his eyes.

"I don't think I can get used to this. It's like seeing my parents have sex for the first time."

Vic throw him a half full water bottle.
"You better get used to it because they'll get married and make cute little rockstar babies."

This made Ethan shy and Thomas laugh. I laughed with them. For the first time, I was hearing Måneskin for talk about their future. Not their career's future. Their own future.

It was scary to think about it. Trying to figure out if I was involved in their future or not.

"If they move out," Vic started to talk, "Can we live together June? I don't want to deal with Damiano brining a new girl every day and I sure don't want to witness him get old,wrinkly and an alcoholic."

I laughed with what she said. Thinking about Damiano's future in a way he was alone had hurt me for sure, but imagining him old and wrinkly overweighed.

My laughter faded away when our eyes met. I glanced away. I couldn't stare so deep in his eyes.

"As if you're not the only one who fucks people outside this room Vic," Damiano said. Then he looked at me,

"at least as far as we know."

The fuck did that supposed to mean? I wasn't sleeping with anyone else. I wasn't sleeping with anyone at all, actually.

"I'm faithful to my boyfriend." Ethan said. The way he used the word boyfriend had excited Thomas in a very visible way.

"You stupid love birds," Vic said. I couldn't believe how fast everything had happened.

But also we didn't know what they were sharing when we weren't around. It was sudden for us but it probably felt longer to them.

"Did you hear anything back from the program?" Thomas asked me. I saw this had caught Damiano's attention too.

"Yeah. I passed." I said. Vic, Thomas and Ethan clapped with joy.

"Why didn't you fucking tell us?" Vic asked but she didn't look angry at all.

"Forgot about it," I briefly said. I had lied. I didn't want to tell them because I didn't want them to ask me questions about future. But they did,

"Are you going to look for a job?" asked Ethan. I shrugged, I didn't know for certain.

Vic got up. "Let's finish this fucking rehersal cause we'll go celebrate it right after. I don't take no for an answer. We'll celebrate your success as well as the relationship of my babies."

Now that celebration sex was out of the table -because well, Thomas and Ethan were dating- I agreed to celebrate. I sure could use a few drinks.
The more I write about Thomas and Ethan, the more I fell for their relationship. I wouldn't be mad if they took over the book at this point.

I promise you they won't though. Damiano had stayed calm as long as he could. Spoiler alert: his breakout is soon my loves.

Be My Slave (Måneskin Fanfiction // Damiano Victoria Ethan Thomas)Where stories live. Discover now