number 5: rehearsals

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After the concert in Florence, we had came back to Rome, where we lived. They were working on a new album, which was exciting. I was always around rehearsals, songwriting and such but with my zero musical background, it was kind of hard to keep up with their work. I just enjoyed seeing them on stage, pursuing their career with passion. And fortunately, I loved the music they were making so this was a pretty enjoyable experience for me.

I watched Ethan playing the drum. His silky long hair was dancing around as he was using the drumsticks severely. The white tank top he wore was doing a great job at drawing the attention to his face, covered in a very beautiful makeup. The green eyeshadow and black lipstick he was wearing looked so good on him. Though he and Thomas were the "soft boys" of the group, Ethan always looked as though as one can do while playing the drum.

Thomas was dancing with the rhythm, his eyes closed. The heel of his boots were hitting the ground with every move. With his mullet,  and 70s styled long, green pants, he looked like a long-lost member of the Queens. When he opened his eyes for a quick look around, I saw his downturned brown eyes that always had a tired look. This gave him a very charismatic look.

Victoria played the bass as if she was all alone in the room. In the world, if that's possible. Her outfit was complementary with the rest of the band as always. She wore a green suit. She looked so small in the big suit but she carried it so well. Her bright blue eyes were even more distracting with the green eyeshadow.

Looking at Damiano's addam's apple move as he sang gave me immense butterflies. I really wanted to go up there and kiss him right in his addam's apple. In contrast to all others who wore green eyeshadow and black lipstick, he was wearing black eyeshadow and dark green lipstick. His hair was not styled with hair gel so it moved freely. His raspy voice filled the whole room. His defined jawline moved with every word. It was hard to just sit and watch. Their music was so good and their energy was so unreachable that it was impossible not do dance. 

I looked at them smiling when they were done with the song. Damiano and Ethan were looking at me back to smile but Vic and Thomas were trying to understand what people from their agency thinking. I got out of the brown leather coach and went in to the studio after I got the permission to do so. I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek, receiving one back from all.

"You were good," I said calmly.

"Yeah?" Victoria looked directly to my eyes with expectation. I nodded, smiling. Damiano cheered them all after me.

"Eravamo fottutamente fantastici!" He shouted. I think that meant something about them being fucking amazing.

We were informed that the next two hours would be a break time so we had decided to order some pizza. The pizza I ate at London was nothing compared to ones here. I could eat these three meals a day.

Damiano and Thomas was sitting in the couch behind me whilst Victoria and Ethan were sitting in the one in front. I was sitting on the floor, back leaning on the couch and my head leaning on Damiano's leg. I swallowed the last of the slice. I still wanted to eat but I also needed a cigarette. The pack was in the coffee table near the couch. I could easily ask Damiano to pass it to me but what can I say, I loved having any kind of physical affection. I raised on my knees and tried to reach to the table, my whole upper body was now laying in Damiano's knees. He laughed at me and I felt his hands somewhere around my waist and hips. He wasn't moving them, he'd just let them sit there but that was enough for me to feel the burn.

Once I managed to take the cigarette pack, I went back to sitting on the floor and leaning my back on the couch. This time I didn't rest my head in Damiano's legs.

I lit the cigarette easily and offered the band one. Vic took one from the pack. Thomas and Ethan refused to take one because they were still eating. I passed the box to Damiano who was sitting on the couch behind me. He smirked playfully. He took the pack of cigarettes from my hand and put it to the coffee table. I frowned and grinned at the same time. As I was expecting his next move, he reached down to my lips. I felt the warmth of his fingertips and in the next second I lost my cigarette. He now was holding my cigarette between his fingers. He took a breath while I was saying:

"You are a jerk."

He winked and took another breath from my cigarette. If this was the game he wanted to play, I sure could. I got up and stretched my back. He expected me to walk to the coffee table and take the paper box but I did something different. I sat on his laps, facing right towards Thomas, who was chatting with the other two.

I reached out to back and took the pack. I lit another cigarette for myself immediately. Damiano laughed at my vulgarness. I did what I wanted to do when I saw him sing and left a kiss to his addam's apple. He responded by kissing my tattoo right below my ears. As he grabbed my hips over my black skinny jeans, Victoria interrupted, smiling preciously.

"Hey, David! Leave us a bit of her will ya?"

Both Damiano and I laughed.

"Come on Vic," I said, "No need for jealousy. You know I'm enough for all,"

"Oh I know," she said playfully.

Our fun ended when the break ended. They went back to work and I went back to watching them. After what had happened during the break, I 100% how would we spend the rest of the day once they'd completed their thing at the studio.



Hi! I actually don't have anything to say for this chapter but I didn't want to leave it empty. So just, Hi :)

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