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This gonna be a long one so enjoy.
Billie pov-
"Hey billie truth or dare" Danielle ask me while playing with her bright red hair that her Delicately placed on her shoulders
"Dare cuz m not a pussy like y'all" I say laughing referring to the fact that no one has picked dare yet. "Okay I dare you too date that nerd, what's her name again? " she says smacking the bubblegum in her lips loudly "oh yeah y/n, you have to date her for a week" she completed giving her signature bitchy smile. "What the fuck no, first of all why should I waste my time on her second ew" I say lowkey offended by the fact that I have to date a nerd for A WEEK hell nahh.
"Well idc you have to do it, a dare is a dare unless you wanna become the new pussy of the school" she says smirking while the twins are laughing  behind her
Ugh why do I hang out with them
Oh yea cuz I have no other friends.
"Fine fine I'll do it!" I agreed.
I mean how bad can it bee I'll "date" her, hook up behind her back and before I know the week will be over and I'll be breaking up with her simple.
They all clap and laugh
"Oh this is gonna be fun" one of the twins say laughing his ass off as I join him.

So right now m bout to ask y/n on  a date
Oh god here goes nothing
I go up to her locker and leans against it
I watch her as she takes out her books checking her timetable for today.
"What do you want billie?" She asks tiredly
"For you to go on a date with me" I say boldly.
Surprisingly I earn a laugh from her but that laugh was laced with bitterness
"Hell nah I would never fall for that" she says looking at me like I just said something stupid
What the fuck
"Why won't you" I ask offendedly
"Uh cuz first of all I don't wanna get humiliated by ur so called friends and secondly did you forget how you littreally bully me and throw me around like a rag doll" she says rolling her
"So the answer is still no. Go find someone else to make fun of I am tired" she says closing her locker door shut before walking away completely
What the fuck
For a nerd she is very fiesty
But I gotta do this and get it over with.

Time skip ( class)
I go into my last class and I see y/n sitting there. Looks like she is lost into a deep thought wonder what she is thinking about.
I sit next to her
I look to my right and see y/n tapping her pencil on the table while being zoned out
I tap her shoulder softly
"Huh" she quickly gets out of it to looks at me In a relief
"Oh it's you" she says annoyed
"Yeah it's me" I say proudly
"What do you want billie , please stop annoying me" she pleades
"Okay I promise I'll stop annoying you, If you go on ONE date with me just ONE" I say smiling.
She roll's her eyes and says
"Okay fine just please stop annoying me for god sakes" she says
Ugh finally tf
"Thank you , I'll pick you up at 8" I say
"Ok" she replies before getting up and leaving.
God what's with this girl and leaving all the time

Time skip ( date)
(Sorry for the time skips but this story is going to be long and in parts so n trying to make it more shorter. So there are gonna me A LOT of time skips. )

Y/n pov-
I can't believe I have a date with billie
Like what the fuck, I don't get her
One day she is bullying me and next she is fucking begging me to let her take me out.
But I think this is some type of plan to humiliate me or something
So I am mentally preparing myself too get humiliated today on our "date"
I get ready quickly and wear something casual
I quickly rush downstairs and open the door
To see billie standing there looking
Beautiful as ever.
See the thing is I have always liked billie and I have always seen good in her but she is a bully and she hangs out with wrong people.
"Hey y/n ready to go?" She says smiling
I quickly give a smile back before closing the door and getting out of my suffocating house
"Yea" I smile

Time skip (Sorry)
So idk how but I enjoyed the date very much
Like a lot.
And to my suprise she was very sweet and l didn't get humiliated by no one
She took me to a arcade we played games then we went to eat food just a simple fun date.
Me and Billie are right now sitting on the roof watching the stars and the beautiful moon that's shining at both of us.
"What ya thinking about" she says giggling
My heart just skipped like 10 beats.

Billie pov-
Okay so hear me out
I actually enjoyed the date
Other people I have gone on a date with just wants to fuck me right away and I mean I have no problem with that but sometimes it feels good to have fun with someone other then my bitchy friends.
I look to my right and see y/n looking to the moon
Her y/e/c eyes shining from the moon light
Her heart shaped lips curved into the tineast bit of a smile.
"What ya thinking about?" I say as a let out a giggle
"Ah nothing, just thankful that I didn't get beat up today" she says chuckling
" what do you mean?" I curiously ask
"Well if I be honest when you asked me out on a date, as much as I wanted to say yes right away, I was scared that you are asking me out so you  can humiliate me or beat me up . So I mentally prepared my self before coming to get humiliated" she passes me a sad smile
"Y-you really think that low of me" I ask hurt
To which she quickly looks at me and her face softens
She looks so beautiful right now
Her cutely placed Freckles on her nose and showing more then ever right now
"Well you have bullied me before a lot and you might have noticed your friends do not like me. Also well no one has asked me out on a date before willingly it's always some type of bet or dare so you can't blame me for being surprised" she finished looking into my eyes
Fuck this shit
"U-um y/n?" I say as a brim of tears are about to fall
"Yeah?" She says
"I know this isn't a good time to tell you but, m-my friends actually dared me to go on a date with you and date you for a week. And m sorry you have to find out but it's better if I tell you right now then in the end" I say quickly
My heart clenches
And I feel guilt every where right now
I look at y/n and her lips scrunches up In a "O" a tear or  two quickly falls down her cheeks before she wipes them away
"I am so sorry" I plead
"U-um it's fine. I get that ur friends can be bitchy, I just thought some one for the first time in my life ACTUALLY wanted to go on a date but it's fine , it's not ur fault" she finishes before giving me a sad smile
Fuck how is she so sweet
"Also I know I am going to sound like a asshole right now but can you like possibly fake date me for a week since I just have to get this dare over with" fucking hell I sound like an asshole right now
Well I am one
Y/n looks at me and says
"As much as this is going to hurt me cuz I actually liked you , like actually but sure and remember I am only doing it cuz I know how much you want to seem cool in front if your friends, but billie I am telling you as a person you truly cares about you that they don't deserve you they are legit bitches and they treat you like fucking shit" she says
Well she is right
"B-but without them I have no friends or anyone and I-i am scared of loneliness" I confess
"I know billie, I used to be fucking terrified of being lonely but look at me I have no friends at all, I live alone and some days I don't even talk to anyone. After a while you get used to it and I think it's better to have no friends then have friends that hurt you constantly and make you feel bad about ur self" she finishes
"Think about that." She says before getting up to leave
"Oh and here's my number if you ever wanna you know 'fake date' to show your friends just text me. Also you better be feeling Hounered right now I don't give people my number" she says laughing before giving me a note and leaving
I look down at the note
Tears falling down my cheeks
I smile reading what it says
Text me when you wanna "date"
Bye bozo ;)
Fuck I actually like her
There is obviously gonna be a part 2
But I decided to tease y'all a little bit cuz I don't know when ill have time to release a part 2 BUT I'll try to do it if I have time ( exams😃)
hope y'all have a great day
Love y'all❤

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