Y/n pov-
So right now I am lost as fuck
A little back story, I went to this friends house that lives a little far from me I really don't know my way around this area. Now I was walking home, yes walking I know I am dumb as fuck I should have gone home when it was daylight now it's getting dark and I have no one to call for help. I live alone and all my friends live really far so I really am in absolutely shit right now.
I stuff my hand in my pockets of my jeans and take out my phone
As soon as I even open my phone I get a
"Low battery please charge" notification
"Fuck" I say under my breath.
Great my phone is about to dieI keep walking and walking and walking I mean what the fuck can I do?
I come across this beautiful mansion/ house, it is legit the most biggest house I have seen in this area and it's bathrooms are probably bigger then my whole house.
I really hope I can get some help here, maybe I can ring the doorbell and ask the owner how to I go to sunny side (fear street reference) and what's the direction from here.
Yes I mean I don't see many houses ahead and I have to get home even though I am already regretting this.
I stand in front of their huge door, the door is fully black with gold lining all over it, the house is beautiful I Cant lie
I ring the door bell
Oh god my social anxiety really coming through
Suddenly a girl opens the door
The girl has short blonde hair, very very short hair. She has tattoos every where, and a septum piercing that looks amazing on her, I notice a cigarette on her left hand
"What do u want?" The girl says rolling her eyes
"O-oh i-i j-ju-" I stutter
"Ughhh I don't have time for this shit" she says rudely
"O-oh I am sorry I just wanted to know the directions to sunny side, i-i am a little lost" I say as politely I can
As soon as I say that I hear a very raspy voice coming from the house
"ZOE WHO IS AT THE DOOR??" The voice says
Ohh so the girl's name is Zoe.
Ouch wow I just wanted the directions
I look behind me and it's almost fully dark.
"S-so can you h-help me?" I say shivering
It's so fucking cold out too and I forgot my jacket at my friends home
I hear a chuckle from behind "Zoe""She can't but I can" I hear the raspy voice say which I assume is this billie girl
Zoe rolls her eyes and goes back inside, then I see a beautiful girl, probably the most angelic looking person I have ever seen in my life.
With blue piercing eyes and her angelic features.
Her clothes are just amazing, this legit the way I wanna dress if I had moneyActually she seems really really familiar like I have seen her or heard her voice somewhere almost
"Eyes up here babygirl" the girl says bringing my attention to her.
I feel my cheek rise up in embarrassment
"I-i am s-sorry" I say Embarrassed
She chuckles again as if she is enjoying seeing me like this
"Well, what do you want?" She says going back to her bitch face
'I-i just wanted the d-directions to sunny side, I am lost and I don't know this area really" I say shivering at this point
Holding my arms with my hands to keep me a little warm
She looks at me shivering and her eyesSoften?
"I don't know this area well either actually, why don't you stay here for today and I'll take you home tomorrow as soon as it gets daytime?" She says Politely
Hell nah I ain't staying at a strangers house. Yeah I didn't have parents growing up but I do know to never trust strangers,
But at the same time how tf am I gonna get home and I can't sleep on the streets."I am not gonna kidnap you don't worry just stay the night I don't think it's safe to sleep on the streets either" she says as if she was reading my mind
I think about it for a moment
Fuck it I am so cold
"Okay, I'll stay here but please get me home tomorrow. And thank you so much" I say politely being actually thankful
She nods and laugh
She opens the door and let's me in

Billie Eilish Imagines | GXG
FanfictionGXG Fluff Sad Angst And MAYBE A little smut Also these are shitty stories so read at ur own will Completed.