π.... cool

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Y/n pov-

So basically what happened is
My crush also known as Billie ellish JUST walked passed me and WE HELD EYE CONTACT FOR LIKE A GOOD MINUTE
I got so nervous and um
(Please tell me that you guys are also like this with ur crushes😀)

She just looked at me and chuckled

Okay so u are probably who is Billie ellish
Billie ellish is the most coolest person here
No, not popular. Well that too but cool
Everyone is scared of her but not because she is mean
She is, when she needs to be
But she is not the bully type
Actually she helps people a lot it's just that she is fucking intimidating and of course hot as fuck
She has this power she radiates
I look up to her a lot
She wears whatever the fuck she wants
In her words
"I wear the fuck I want, when I want to feel sexy I wear something sexy. It's my business"
And that's when I knew I had a big fat embarrassing crush on her
Compared to her and her big ass friend group I look so innocent
They go out every night
Drink probably stay out all night
She has a really big friend group.
Everybody wants to be her friend
Not only because she is cool also because she seems like such a good friend

And then there is me
Who stays inside all the time and basically has no friends

If I am being honest I'll be surprised if she even KNOWS my name

Despite all the coolness, you'll think she will not care about studies but she does
She is really fucking smart
Like really

I dont get it HOW is she AMAZING at everything
Someone explain please

I heard she sings as well
But I am guessing it's gossip but for real if she does sing I bet she sounds like an angel

Oh and the way she hasn't EVER been in a relationship like everyone in our school DROOLS over her, and everyone knows that she is bi but she hasn't shown interest in anyone or has even been a little intimate with anyone at least that I know of
Of course there are rumours that she is dating someone that is not in our school
But me and my stupid brain likes to think those are just rumours

"Mrs y/n? What are u thinking about" I hear my stupid biology teacher say

"None of ur business" I mumble rolling my eyes

What has gotten to me today
I don't know I guess I am tired of her bullshit

"How dare u talk to me like that!" She exclaims

"Like what?" I roll my eyes like the 5th time

"And now u are talking back, DETENTION TODAY FINAL" she screams

I groan mentally slapping my self
I could have easily gone home today
Fuck my life.

Time skip

After the stupid day was over I was making my way to my locker finally happy that the day is over but again I still have detention

"Miss y/n did u forget u have detention" miss may says


"Don't worry miss may I am just going there" I say slamming my locker shut as I walk over to the room

As soon as I go in my eyes scanning over the room
Not really seeing anyone there
Until by eyes land on this girl sitting on the side

Don't tell I am Going to he stuck for an hour with BILLIE
I can't even be around her for a minute without embarrassing my self

"Miss y/n please go sit down, do whatever homework or work that Is uncompleted. I'll let u go in an hour" mrs may smiles
Even her smile is evil

I sigh sitting down as far AWAY from Billie as I can so I don't embarrass my self

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