Y/n pov-
After that "date" with billie
I have been Miserable like actually miserable.
I didnt think it would effect me so fucking much
Its just that I have liked billie for so long
And I actually enjoyed that date. FOR ONCE I thought that someone would wanna go on a date with me but yet again it was a dare.
Let's just get this week over with and then I can never talk to her againTime skip ( school)
I make my way to my locker
I open my locker door putting my code in
I take a quick glance at the cute small mirror that's hang nicely on the side I'm the back fixing my hair.
I hear the bell ring and I make my way to class
That is history
As I am making my way to history I over hear a conversation I wish I never did
It between Billie and Danielle
"So your dating that nerd now" her friend Danielle says disgustingly
"Uh yeah you legit dared me to date that freak for a week remember? " Billie says yet again disgustingly
I can litreally hear the disgustingness laced in there voices
"Oh yeah my bad anyways what did y'all do on a date what did she talk about? Books? How much she eats? How fat she is getting? Or could it be how ugly she is" Danielle says laughing
I hear Billie laughing along her
A few tears fell down my face the another one and well now m full on crying.
I hear Billie say
"Well you can say something like that happened anyways our date was boring as fuck, she was boring and I can't wait for this week to be over" Billie completes.
Not wanting to hear more of this conversation I wipe some of my tears and go to history wishing school can be over soon so I can go home
Tbh I don't even know why I am hurt its just I thought Billie was a little different but I should have know she littreally used to bully me.
I sit down at the back not wanting any attention on me at all
I feel someone sit next to me
I do not glance up at them at all since I am legit crying right now
Pathetic right?
Crying over someone who thinks m a freak
and I know if I look at someone I'll break down.
Until I feel a light tap on my shoulders
I look up hesitantly to be met with beautiful blue eyes staring at me smiling
"Heyy y/n" Billie says happily
"Hi" I reply not wanting to talk to her at this moment at all
"What's wrong?" She asks Concerned
I look up at her annoyed clearly
Why is she all of a sudden so nice to me I don't fucking get it and I so tired of this hypocrisy.
I fucking hate this shit I am so done with her and we have only talked once which was forced
"Why do you care Billie? And since when were we ever friends I get that you still have to " fake" date this freak but ur friends arent here stop acting like you actually like me" I say harshly
Was I too harsh?
Nah she deserved it
I didn't want to look up at her at all so I just looked down at my book ignoring her.Billie pov-
After my conversation with Danielle I make my way to history
I glance over the room and see y/n sitting in the back with her head down
Well I have no friends here so I make my way to her and sit on the empty chair next to her
After a while of contemplating if I should talk to her I tap her shoulder lightly
She quickly looks up at me
Her eyes her red
Has she been crying?
"Heyy y/n" I say kinda happy that I am talking to her right now
She looks at me annoyed
And says "hi" I automatically sense something is wrong
"What's wrong? " I asked actually concerned
She looks at me like I just said something so bad
"Why do you care Billie? And since when were we ever friends I get that you still have to " fake" date this nerd but ur friends arent here stop acting like you actually like me" she says harshly before putting her head down again
What was that for?
I mean yea I did kinda broke her heart like yesterday but still she was fine yesterday
And how can she think I don't like her?
Idk but I'll fix this somehow
I think as the teacher is speaking about some stupid history stuff
Suddenly the teacher says somethign that actually interests me
"So guys the projects are gonna start from today you are going to be paired up with the person sitting next to you" she says smiling
I glance at y/n and she glances at me
Both realising we are partners of a project together now
As I am lowkey happy that she is with me
I hear y/n curse under her breath
"Y/n! Come to my house today we will start working on the project" I say excitedly
She looks at me and says
" I'll come at 5 text me your address" then she leaves the class.Again time skip🙄 (when y/n is with
Y/n pov-
M in billies house rn
We are completing the project
It's pretty boring but the good news is we are almost done
"Ugh m doneee with my part! FINALLY" Billie yawns are she slumps on the end
I just continue doing my work quietly
Until m done
"Well m done, I'll be going now we will submit it tomorrow together. " I say exhausted
As I pack my things to got home
"Y/n wait! Can we talk?" Billie says looking in my eyes
Shit I really don't wanna talk to her right now
"About what?" I say sitting down in front of her
" listen I just wanted to say m sorry, about the dare still I actually like you a lot and would love to actually try things out with you" she says genuinely
"Listen Billie I have liked you for so long ,B-but we just can't be together it'll hurt me in the end I know it" I say looking down at my fingers
"What! Why? I would never hurt you" she says looking at me
I scoff quietly
"Billie I heard your talk with Danielle today." I just simply state
Billie quickly looks up at me with guilt in her face
"W-what" she stops
A tear falls on her cheek
"I-i am sorry you had to hear that, I-i just need to talk bad about you in front of them or else theyll get suspicious of me actually dating you. And without them I won't be popular" Billie says truthfully
The fuck so she is embarrassed of me now?
I look at her in disbelief
"So now I am a embarrassment for you so called reputation. As I have told you multiple times ur friends are toxic and so is ur Fascination and love for being popular. And all this what you just said proves my point! I can't be with someone who is a straight up hypocrite, what if this is all a dare too? Huh? Billie I am so done with ur bullshit and thankfully the week is over tomorrow so we are done".
I say as some tears managed to fall down my cheek before walking out of her room
I went down the stairs
Greeted by billies sweet mother
"Bye Mrs o'connel I'll be going now" I smile and she smiled back.Billie pov-
"I-i am sorry you had to hear that, I-i just need to talk bad about you in front of them or else theyll get suspicious of me actually dating you. And without them I'll won't be popular" I say truthfully to
Shit that was way too harsh
But true, I can't risk my reputation like that. If I tell my friends I like y/n they'll make fun of me for centuries
Y/n looks up at me in disbelief
"So now I am a embarrassment for you so called reputation. As I have told you multiple times ur friends are toxic and so is ur Fascination and love for being popular. And all this, what you just said proves my point! I can't be with someone who is a straight up a hypocrite, what if this is all a dare too? Huh? Billie I am so done with ur bullshit and thank the gods the week is over tomorrow so we are done" she says
A few tears fall on her face and then she walks out taking her stuff
I really didn't think of it that way
My friends have really gotten in my mind
How the fuck am is so STUPID
"FUCK" I say as I kick the chair next to me in anger
Fucking hell I have to fix this I actually like her and I don't catch feelings quickly
And she liked me too but now she thinks I am embarrassed of her
Billies a dick in this.
There will be a part 3 ig🤪
Ly babies have a good ass dayy

Billie Eilish Imagines | GXG
FanfictionGXG Fluff Sad Angst And MAYBE A little smut Also these are shitty stories so read at ur own will Completed.