I Met A Fallen Angel Today

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Mum and I hadn't been shopping together for a while. We were walking around a street full of shops. Some clothing, some furniture and a few charity shops. As Mum and I walked through the street, I happened to notice a music shop. It was filled with guitars, amps, microphones and stands, drums and bass guitars. This shop was my element!
"Mum! Look!" I pointed the shop out to my Mum and she came to have a small gander. She quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out £50.
"Where the hell did you get that?!" I asked, shocked that she had that in her pocket.
"Don't worry about it. You go in there, see if there's anything you like and pick it up." This was the first time Mum had actually done something nice for me in a while so I didn't hesitate.
"Jesus... thanks Mum!" I said before hugging her and running into the shop.
"I'll be in this one!" She called after me, pointing behind her. I nodded and continued to go into the shop to look around.

I walked over to the microphones and picked a couple up, just to inspect them and test the weight of them.
"Dom! Another customer!" A man's voice called out, startling me slightly because there were only a few other customers in the shop.
"On it!" A younger man's voice called out from what sounded like another room. I shook off my tension and continued to look at the microphones.

"Rode, eh? Decent brand." A soft northern accent said from behind me. I immediately jumped and spun around to see who was there. I was immediately taken back by this man's sparkling green eyes and slightly messy hair. I was lost for words as I took in more aspects of his face.
"Hey, hope I didn't scare you that much." He joked. I snapped back into reality and noticed him looking at me and smiling, genuinely. I giggled back at him and shook my head.
"N-no... you're fine." I replied.
"So you can speak."
"Yeah... barely" I joked and the man laughed.
"I'm Dom, by the way. How can I help you." Dom introduced himself.
"I'm... Crystal. Just wondering if you have any recommendations. I'm kinda new to all this." I requested.
"Well, Rode do make high quality products and if you are new to all of this, this is the perfect beginner's tool. I used to use it myself." As he spoke, it was as if 100 angels were harmonising in my ears. As much as I was paying attention to him, I still started to slip into more of a crush on this man.
"Am I good to ask the price?" His words made everything seem amazing, he was a great salesman.
"Ok... I think, from the top of my head, these go for £138." My eyes widened. I forgot how expensive on-brand mics were.
"Well... that's SO out of my price range." I laughed.
"That's alright, love, I'm sure you could come back another time." The way Dom called me "love" created butterflies in my stomach. I paused for a moment as I tried to identify where this man was from. He definitely wasn't from London.

"You're not actually from here are you?" I asked nosily.
"Nah..." Dom said, leaning against a cabinet.
"I'm a Donny boy, born and raised." He finished. I knew it.
"Thought so..."
"Scouser?" He asked back.
"Like you said, born and raised." I replied cockily, winking, making me receive a giggle from Dom. I smiled at his laughter, it was adorable.
"Well, Dom... any chance you could show me around the guitars and amps while you're here?" I asked him, dying to hear his voice more.
"It'd be my pleasure, Crystal." He accepted, delicately grabbing my hand and guiding me to the acoustics, lecturing me about the best ones to invest in. I could listen and concentrate on what this man said forever. I payed close attention to each word that came out of Dom's mouth whilst looking at the guitars he's pick up and occasionally strum on.

10 minutes went by and Dom and I had just finished discussing prices of guitars and amps before I got a call from my mum.
"Love, come on, you've been in that shop for ages, we need to get back." I groaned slightly.
"Fine, just gimme a minute."
"Ok, Crys, just not too long because Alan will be worried." I rolled my eyes and ended the call.
"Hey, I need to go but I know my way back, I might end up back here soon." I explained to Dom, slightly saddened about having to leave.
"Crystal... can I at least have your number? I wanna get to know you better, you're a cool person." He flattered me.
"Of course, here." I showed Dom my phone number and he copied it into his phone. He then texted me to confirm I had the right number and I exited the shop, calling my goodbyes out across the shop. As I walked out of the shop, a smirk wouldn't leave my face.
"You seem happy... you didn't buy anything..." Mum said, dejectedly.
"Everything was out of the price range, Mum. Nothing to do with you." I said before going to hand back the money to her.
"Nah, keep it." She smiled and pushed my hand back towards my chest. I wanted to give her the money back because I felt bad but... I mean... free money, I guess. I shrugged and put the money in my pocket before Mum and I started to walk home.

"How come you seemed so happy walking out of that shop before?" Mum said, starting another conversation.
"Oh nothing... just made a new friend."
"See! I knew you'd be right at home here." She called out. I rolled my eyes at her before looking back down to the floor.
"He was a boy..." I confessed. My Mum Wolf whistled at me, jokingly before her interrogations began.
"Who was he? What was he like? Was he handsome? Future husband?" All different questions left my Mum's head all at once to the point where I didn't get the chance to answer each one. I waited for her to relax before I explained what Dom was like to her.
"He was about the same age as me, messy brunette hair, tall, thin... handsome..." I trailed off into wonderland thinking of him for a brief moment, which was rudely cut short by Mum aww-ing at me. I shook my head.
"It's not like I have the balls to tell him how I feel. We only met today!" Mum laughed and shook her head back at me.
"It's just cute that you have a crush. I never hear any of these stories come from you." She said, clinging onto my arm. I rolled my eyes.
"Keep this act up, Mum and I might not even let him meet you." I joked. I watched my Mum's face change into a frown which made me giggle.
"Just as long as you're happy, love." She smiled at me. Probably one of the nicest things she had said to me in the past few years or so...

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