God's Honest Truth

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TW: Mentions of rape and mental breakdown

Soon enough, Dom and I had walked back through the town and taken the train back to my house. As we walked down my street, we made jokes, laughed and every so often, Dom would take my hand and spin me around, or just keep hold of my hand in general, making the world seem much safer than what it really was. Finally we arrived back at my place. My cold, numb hands reached into my bag and pulled my keys out of it. I took the correct key and placed it into the door, then twisted it and pushed down on the door handle.

"Fucking hell, it's freezing out there!" Dom shuddered, taking off his coat and hanging it up on the bannister.

"And you've just realised that now?" I joked back to him, taking off my own.

"Hey! You've had it now, Allison!" He yelled, pretending to be offended. I quickly started to run upstairs, throwing my coat as I heard Dom's footsteps behind me, getting closer. Once I reached the top of the stairs, I ran down the hallway to my bedroom, entered then closed the door behind me. I remained standing with my back against the door as I heard Dom's fast-paced footsteps get closer. I could hear him sigh from the other side of the door.

"Come on, darling. I won't bite." He said with a creepy voice, very serial-killer-like. His voice was accompanied by slow, light knocks on the door to make it seem even more creepy. I quietly scurried over and crawled underneath my bed. I decided to taunt him to make him try and find me.

"You want in, you gotta force your way in!" I yelled from under the bed. I soon heard shuffling from outside which told me Dom was about to charge into my room. I laid in anticipation as he slowly creaked open my door. I held my breath as he walked past my bed and towards my wardrobe. He paused and spun around and all of a sudden, his face was in front of mine. I yelped as he grabbed my arms and pulled me out.

"See, you can't hide from me." Dom giggled before picking me up and pinning me to the bed. I was laughing too until I realised the position he had me in. His hands pinning mine to the bed and his head buried in my neck. This was the same position Alan had me in as he raped me. All of a sudden, adrenaline rushed through my veins and my breathing became unsteady. As my breathing quickened, my gasps for air became apparent yet I couldn't speak a word. Dom noticed my panic attack worsening and dived off my body and sat me up to try and help me breathe.

"Crystal! Darling, I need you to slow down, OK? I need you to follow my voice, can you hear me?" He asked, hoping for an ounce of two way communication. I was able to shake my head, but not too much as it would make me dizzy.

"Alright darling, I'm going to count to 5 and I need to you breathe in, can you do that?" I nodded again.

"1... 2... 3... 4... 5..." I tried counting in my head with him and attempted to slow down my breathing. It became shaky but did eventually settle.

"Now I'm counting to 7, I need you to breathe out, OK?" Again, I nodded. 

"1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... Well done, my love. We're going to do that again, OK?" I accepted and continued to focus on my breathing.

Eventually my breathing became clear and my tears had been dried. Dom and I were now laying in bed, my head resting on his chest and my right arm around his waist. His arm was over my shoulders and his chin was resting on my head.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, breaking the dead silence of the bedroom.

"I-I guess I'm OK... just a little shaken up." I said, truthfully.

"Do you mind if I ask what caused that attack?" Shit, I was hoping he wouldn't bring it up. I didn't want to tell him about the other night with Alan. I wasn't ready to speak about it.

"I guess I'm in the thick of it now." I thought to myself.

"I-It's kind of hard for me to explain... I wouldn't know where to start." I admitted, giggling slightly at the situation.

"Start from where you feel is right and go from there." Dom replied with such wisdom.

"Well... when I was in London, about 2 days ago, we got off the phone to each other and I went upstairs because I didn't feel comfortable in the one room with everybody there. About an hour or so, Alan came into my room and pinned me to the bed. He gagged me with his shirt and... a-and..." I started to break down again.

"Take your time, darling. Please, just take your time." Dom advised me with a very distressed tone to accompany his words. He rubbed my back as I regained my composure. I sighed before I continued to explain.

"H-He handcuffed me to the bed and LITERALLY ripped my clothes off me..." I said. My voice raising in anger as did my body. Now I was fully sat up once more.

"Then... he took off my underwear and raped me..." I finally admitted. I could hear Dom's breath tremble as my last sentence was spat out.

"I passed out because I couldn't breathe. My nose was blocked and my mouth had a T-shirt stuffed into it." As I finished explaining, I could hear Dom shuffle over to my side. I then felt a light amount of pressure on my shoulders. Dom then pulled me into a hug and began to sob quietly. Knowing this upset him had upset me more because this has no longer just affected me but affected my best friend, better yet, my boyfriend. 

"W-Why didn't you tell me? I would have been there for you." Dom cried into my hair.

"I only woke up the next morning, I was asleep for the whole night after it happened." I said, defending myself.

"Oh, darling." He sighed, stroking my hair for comfort on both sides. I didn't know what to do at this point. A brief moment of silence came over the room and we remained in each other's embrace.

"Crystal?" Dom started, breaking the silence.


"Is this the God's honest truth?"

"What?! Of course it is! I wouldn't make something like this up!" I yelled, pulling away from him feeling offended. Why would he even ask that? What kind of sick person would I have to be to make this shit up?!

"W-Wait, Crystal... that's not what I meant! Please, don't be mad. I didn't mean it that way!" I sighed, placing my head in my right hand. 

"Well what did you mean?" I asked, emotionless and facing away from him.

"I can't focus on explaining when you're mad. Please, just come back over here." He begged. When I turned towards him again, he was holing his arms out to his sides, inviting me to hug him again. I sighed and accepted, my arms remained crossed.

"I-I just that I've never known anybody who had this happen to this and I genuinely wondered out loud if I was dreaming or not. I really didn't mean for it to seem that way, I'm so sorry." I looked up to Dom's face and his eyes were even more teary, I couldn't help but feel bad as it was my fault. I unfolded my arms and turned back over then hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry for getting angry, Dom. I didn't mean to, I was just overwhelmed. I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry." I repeated my apology as I started to cry once more. Dom joined not long after.

"No... it was my fault. I shouldn't have asked a stupid question." He sobbed, kissing my head and holding me closer.

As our crying slowed down, I noticed Dom's breath become slower too. I placed my head firmly in the middle of his chest and listened out for his breathing pattern. It was slow and gentle. Suddenly, a soft snore exited his mouth. Of course he was asleep. I chuckled to myself and left my head where it was as it was comfy. I closed my eyes and settled down myself.

"Good night Dom... I love you." I whispered before falling asleep too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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