Meeting Up

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I was abruptly woken up by my phone's ringtone. I rolled over to see who could be calling. I took the phone into my hand and read the name "Dom" on my screen. He couldn't be outside already, could he?!
"Hello?" I yawned down the phone.
"Shit, did I wake you?" His angelic voice questioned on the other end.
"Just about. I'm glad you called, I so would have slept in."
"Thank god. Just forgot to ask what time we're meeting up... also where?" He giggled. He was so cute! I requested a second to think.
"Are you ready now?"
"Just finishing up, so almost."
"Oh... I need to brush my teeth and all that shit... I'll just give you another call when I'm ready, I shouldn't be too long." I explained.
"Sounds good to me, love. I'll see you then."
"Alright... see you then." The phone call ended. As my phone switched back to my Lock Screen, I noticed the time, it was 1:00pm. Did I really sleep in that late?! The time shocked my brain and I knew I had to quickly get ready.

I swiftly jumped out of the creaky bed and went downstairs to look through my suitcase for my clothes. I didn't want to have my clothes in that bedroom because I didn't want them to end up full of dust and grit or whatever. I found the nicest clothes I could and also grabbed my make up bag and toothbrush out of my backpack, then ran to the bathroom to change. I wore a red and black checkered skirt accompanied by some fishnets and my black Nirvana shirt. I also wore some chained necklaces and had some rings scattered on my fingers. I finally got around to wash and brush my teeth. I then took my make up bag and created a red Smokey eye look with some black liner and lipstick. Luckily, there were no accidents or mess-ups. Everything was perfect and I was very happy with the results. I quickly put my pyjamas back in my bedroom along with my make up and toothbrush then ran downstairs, not thinking to eat. I took my handbag and checked to see if everything was inside. All I was missing were my earphones so I quickly obtained them and plugged them into my phone and called Dom back.

"Yo, Crys!" He shouted cheerfully through the phone and turning off his music, which sounded like Oasis.
"Hey! I'm finally ready to leave."
"What do you mean, finally? It didn't take you that long." He laughed. I followed.
"Anyway, any idea of where we should meet?" I asked, opening and walking through the front door.
"Let's just meet at the shop, you remember how to get there, don't you?"
"Of course. If I get lost, I have Google Maps." I joked.
"Sick," He giggled. "I'll see you there, then."
"Okie Dokey, see you then." I hung up the phone and played my music, then quickly exited the street. I couldn't wait for what Dom had planned for the day.

After about 15 minutes, I finally reached the shop. I turned off my music and took out my earphones as I noticed the brunette boy I was meeting up with.
"Dom!" I called over to him. He looked up and I was astounded by how he looked. He was wearing black eyeshadow and liner. This look was also accompanied by a matte purple lipstick and a messier style to his hair than what he had yesterday. He pulled off make up better than I did! I started to run up to him with my arms out, asking for a hug. Dom opened up his arms too and I jumped into them, receiving the biggest embrace I'd had from someone since my Dad. I hugged Dom back as tight as I could.

"Hey, Crys! You look amazing!!" I blushed as he complimented me. 

"How was your day yesterday?" He asked. I wasn't too sure whether I wanted to go into full detail about last night.
"Meh. Wasn't the greatest..." I said, slightly dejected and held my tongue about what I was doing here. I wanted to get to know Dom before spilling too much information.
"Well, I won't pry. I can see you don't want to talk about it much but I hope everything gets better for you." He wished me well while still holding me by my waist which played with my heartstrings in a way nothing else ever had. I smiled and looked down, giggling to myself. Dom pulled me back into another quick hug before talking my hand and walking down the street.
"Any ideas of where you want to go?" He asked.
"Trafalgar Square? I've heard it's a beautiful place to sit for a while."
"Off we go then, come on." Dom squeezed my hand lightly. It was funny how we were only friends and were acting like a couple. It was adorable.

Once we reached Trafalgar Square, I got to know more about Dom. Like he said in the shop, he was born and raised in Doncaster but he opened up to me about struggles with his family, having to be there for his sisters as his parents argued and that he felt uncomfortable at first when leaving for London in case anything were to escalate between them. Luckily, it didn't. I still hadn't told him anything about Alan or his job up to now but I decided to open up to him about my Dad as we went for some coffee. When we sat down in a Starbucks, Dom started the next conversation.

"So, you haven't told me anything about yourself really, yet. I understand if there are things you don't wanna talk about but please, enlighten me. You seem like the type of person to have an amazing life." He complimented me, I wasn't sure if it was flirting or if he was just friendly complimenting me.
"Haha," I laughed, knowing what he didn't. "Far from an amazing life... very far from it, actually. My father passed away when I was about 10 years old...long story short, my mum started sleeping around until she met my stepdad, Alan." Dom looked at me in slight awe.
"Wow... Crys, I'm so sorry..." We sat in silence for a brief moment; Dom looked as if there was something he was debating on asking me or not.

"Is your stepdad good to you?" He finally asked. I wasn't too phased that he was prying since he told me about his family issues so I told him a nicer version of my relationship with Alan.
"Well... not really. He likes to talk down to me and hurt my feelings. He brings up my Dad a lot and compares himself to him, saying he's a better father figure, etcetera, etcetera." I watched Dom's face change into a frown as I spoke.
"That asshole... You don't fucking deserve that." Dom growled.
"I've honestly just learnt to deal with it—"
"But you shouldn't have to do that," Dom cut me off. "He's a scumbag, he can't do that to you!" I smiled and nodded at the truth Dom was reciting.
"It's why I didn't want to come here to begin with. I thought that if he was as bad as what he is, what the fuck was his Mum supposed to be like?" Dom nodded at me.
"I'd imagine. I bet she's not great either."
"Nope. She hasn't even acknowledged I'm there yet." I laughed slightly as Dom looked at me in shock.
"That's awful. I feel so bad for you. You know, you're always free to see me, whether I'm in work or not. You can always swing by the shop and talk to me, it'll get you out of the house for a while." I smiled at Dom's generous offer.
"Thanks Dom, but I don't want to distract you from your work."
"No, you won't be. Just swing by whenever you have the chance to—" I was thrown off by my phone ringing. It was Alan. I sighed and answered the phone. I didn't answer even a fraction of kindness like I would to Dom.

"What?" I asked coldly, down the phone.
"Get home... now!" Alan shouted down the phone. I sighed.
"Why should I?"
"Because your Mum is panicking. She doesn't know where you are." He used the Mum excuse yet again. I rolled my eyes as I became more annoyed.
"Good. I'm happier away from you than around you." I insulted him. I could tell he was getting angrier as I could hear his breath as it deepened.
"GET. HOME. NOW!!" He commanded before putting the phone down. I put my phone on the table and put my head in my left hand. On my other hand, I felt a light amount of pressure land on it. I looked at my hand to find Dom's on top of it. I glanced over to Dom, who was looking at me concerned.
"What's the problem, darling?"
"Alan wants me home." I sighed.
"Are you going?"
"Of course not. I'm having fun here, I won't let him take advantage of it." Dom continued to look at me, this time with more of a smile.
"So you should. Proud of you." He petted my hand before lifting his off of it. I smiled back at Dom, feeling flattered by him. We sat in silence for a moment before Dom thought of an idea.

"How about we go for a walk after we've finished here?" He asked. "A walk? Well, where?" I asked nosily. "River Thames? It's a nice place to clear your mind of things, I go quite often." Dom explained. I was sold quite easily, anything was good enough to keep me away from Alan and his shitshow of a family.

"Well, if it's that good, then sure..."

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