Night-Time Stroll

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"... So now I've got to make up the few days off as soon as I get home, haha." Dom chuckled, talking about how he barely got this time off work to come and see me.

"Damn... I-I'm sorry about that Dom. Hope this isn't too much of a problem for you." I apologised, feeling guilty, being the cause of his overtime.

"It'd only be a problem if I didn't enjoy my job." He assured me, playfully elbowing my arm. I smiled towards him as we threw away our coffee cups. 

"So where should we go? You're the expert here." I thought to myself of where there were nice places about town. The first thought that came to my mind were the Albert Docks where there is a pretty view of the cities over the water of the Mersey river. "I've got the perfect idea, follow me."

We had walked through the city centre, past the shops and streets leading towards the Docks until we finally reached our destination. As we approached, we spotted the museum. It was beginning to light up as the sun slowly started to set around us. Once we passed the museum, we ended up by the chains that sectioned off the water from the public. Dom and I slowed our  pace as we stared over the water towards the lights on the other end. I rested my upper body on the sturdy chains and took a deep breath of the chilled air, which has a slight aroma of salt from the water. Dom joined me as we stared at the waving river together with not much dialogue.

"The sunset is really pretty from here." Dom muttered, attempting to make small talk. I smiled at his attempt and decided to humour him for it.

"It is. But would you prefer it to the view in your little hide-out in London?" Dom thought for a moment.

"I... actually don't know." He laughed. "I think I prefer them both equally."

Silence again.

"So... ever been to Liverpool before?" It was now my turn to continue with the small talk.

"I don't think so. I think my family may have drove through here during road trips but I don't think we've ever stopped here." I nodded, listening to Dom's soothing northern accent. All of a sudden, we were both out of conversation topics. I took Dom's hand into mine and continued to walk again, following the chain. I soon found a false grass patch which was a perfect place to sit. There was nobody sat there and not a lot of people were around. I assumed this would be a better place to speak about what's been on my mind the entire time... Dom.

"Hey, here's a place to sit." As we walked towards the grass, Dom started to take off his jacket. He then put it down onto the floor and offered me to sit on it.

"No, Dom, it's cold and I don't want your jacket to get dirty."

"If I was worried about both of those things, I wouldn't have bothered putting it down in the first place. Sit down, love." I sighed and sat down on the jacket, still feeling slightly guilty. Dom sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. I shuffled towards him a little bit and laid my head on his shoulder. We shared this sweet moment as the bitter air brushed past our necks, making us shiver at almost identical timing, causing us to giggle to ourselves.

"So... Dom. On a serious note, I think we need to talk." I finally began the main conversation. My stomach began to turn thinking about what could happen tonight. I tried to remain calm the best I could but Dom could easily see through me. He knew I was worried.

"I don't think you have to worry, sweetheart. I'm here to listen to you." He reassured me, rubbing my shoulder and squeezing me lightly. I muttered a small giggle before thinking about how I wanted to phrase my next sentence.

"I-I've... I've really liked you, Dom. Ever since we met, I've wanted to be more than friends. Yet, I've found that because of us being friends, it's only made me more attracted to you... and I understand that you may feel the same way too but I'm scared that you may only want this as a part time thing whereas I want this to be long-term. So I must ask you this... if we were to start dating, how long would you plan on being with me for?" Dom seemed taken back by my ending question, it was a slightly offended look covered with somewhat sympathy. He sighed before replying back to me.

"Crys... you are one of the best people I've ever met in my whole life and I've met some cool ass people, none as cool as you. Since we've met, I've become such a happier person. Each time I'd wake up, knowing I was going to see you after my shift at work, it made me motivated for my day to the point where I would dress nicer than normal. You've changed me, Crystal, for the absolute better. If we were to start dating, I would want to be with you for as long as we could both handle. I would hate it if we all of a sudden lost touch or fell out." Dom paused, sighed and then looked deeply into my eyes.

"I want you, Crystal Allison. I want to be there for you. I want to shield you from anything and everything that could harm you, including those assholes you have stuck in your home. If we end up together, I want you to know that I will always find a way to be there for you. Our long distance relationship may cause some issues with that but I will still be a phone call away from helping you." Dom paused once more.

"I... I love you, Crystal..." He finally spat out, then looked over to his right. Hearing those four words come out of his mouth made me internally squeal with excitement and relief that he feels the same way as I do.

"I-I love you too... Dominic Harrison." I said, lowering my voice slightly whilst moving his head back over to face me. Once his vision was back on me, we locked eyes. We remained for a brief moment before he glanced down to my lips, then back up to me. His eyes asked me for permission to kiss me and my smile was the approval. Before long, we both leaned in and fell into the most lustful kiss I had ever experienced. The coldness of the air fused into our body heat created the perfect warmth as our lips continuously pressed together in sync. And just like that, the kiss was broken and Dom and I both looked back towards the water. 

"S-So, Crystal... would you like to go out with me?" Dom asked, his voice because slightly husky as he neared my ear. I looked down and giggled.

"Yes... Dom, I will go out with you." I lowered my body then pressed it into my new boyfriend's slim figure to cuddle him. As we cuddled, my smile began to grow larger and larger.

Was this the beginning of a happier life for me?

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