The Morning After

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I woke up suddenly, breath healing my stuffed-up lungs. I breathed deeply a few times and went to step out of bed. As I threw off the sheets that played on top of me, I came to realise that I was naked. My whole body on show with nothing to cover me. So it wasn't a dream... I looked around to find my pyjamas which had been chucked across the room, as if an animal had ripped them from me. I retrieved the clothes and put them back on my body. As I went to sit back down on the couch, I felt a sharp pain come from my... you know where. Once I was finally seated without discomfort, I put my head in my hands with a huge sigh. Did I really get raped by my mother's boyfriend? I questioned and questioned the reasons behind why Alan did what he did to me last night, why I was who he did it to, had he done it to anyone else and should I stay in London while they head back to Liverpool? Whist all these thoughts ran through my mind like a hamster in a wheel, I could feel my eyes start to burn and a tension in my throat. I covered my eyes with my hands and began to cry into them. This lasted a few minutes until my phone started to sound on my bed. My ringtone rang through my ears like an alarm until I picked it up and realised who was calling. I sniffled and answered the phone.

"H-Hello?" I said quietly into the phone.

"Crystal? Hey, love!" My favourite voice called down the speaker, completely oblivious to how I felt.

"Hey Dom... How are you?"

"I'm as good as I could be considering my friend is leaving town." Dom joked. I knew he was just messing around but it wasn't the best timing as he had reminded me that I was going home today. You would think I'd be glad, wouldn't you? I silently cried even more, forgetting about the fact I was still on the phone.

"Too soon?" I was cut out of my trance quickly as Dom spoke once more. I quickly cleared my throat and answered.

"Yeah... just a bit." I chuckled down the phone as real as I could make it sound.

"Are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah, Dom... I'm fine... Just a little under the weather, you know, having to leave and everything..." I lied.

"Yeah true... I'll give you an amazing send off, don't worry." I sensed that he winked at me as he spoke that final word. I snickered to myself, laughing at how much Dom didn't know how much mental and physical pain I was in. I sighed audibly down the phone as I thought to myself. I didn't want to have a small moment of the Dom and Crystal adventures, I didn't want to see just five seconds of the man. I wanted to see him for a while before we left, knowing we wouldn't see each other for a while.

"Dom... be sure to hurry here. I want to spend some time with you... before I leave."

"Don't worry, Love." Dom comforted me through the phone. "I'm just around the corner." I gasped.

"WHAT?! YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!!!" I exclaimed down the phone, looking at myself in the mirror. "I'm not dressed, I've got no make-up on, my hair is a mess! I LOOK AWF--"

"CRYSTAL ALLISON!!!" Dom cut me off aggressively. "Pardon my wording, darling, but shut the fuck up! I don't care that you aren't dressed and you don't have make-up on. I couldn't care less. You're a beautiful young lady and you don't have to feel so bad about yourself when you're not fully dressed for the day." I listened to every word that he said and sighed once he finished. I smiled to myself wondering how I got so lucky with meeting this man. 

"Ok..." I started, defeated by his words. "At least let me do my hair for the time being..."

"I don't mind, I won't stop you. I'm just telling you to not be so hard on yourself." I nodded, not like he could see.

"Just... Give me a call when you're outside, ok?" I asked.

"Fine with me... See you in a sec." I put the phone down but before I could do anything, it rang again. I chuckled and sighed before answering.

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