I Need Help...

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WARNING: Sexual Assault

"Come on, let's get you home, it's getting late." Dom said, caressing my arm. He then stood up, taking my hand into his to help me up. It had started to turn dark and Dom and I didn't want to hang around in complete darkness. He didn't remove his hand from mine as we started walking back home. It was a quiet walk, not much talk between Dom and I, although our hands did not separate. I took in the scenery of London: how the lights shone above my head, how each ray of light inside someone's bedroom contributed to the beauty, how, despite the constant busy traffic, the air was as fresh as it could be. I used each and every one of my senses to admire the beauty of the outside world.

Once we reached the house, I took the key my Mum gave me that afternoon and unlocked the door.
"Be safe, Dom," I started, "I don't want anything to happen to you." I pulled him into one last hug. He chuckled whist hugging me back.
"Give me a text tomorrow and let me know when you're going to leave. I wanna see you before you go." Dom mumbled into my hair. I nodded and stepped back into the house. We said our goodbyes and waved, then I fully moved into the house. I took a deep breath and entered the living room to give Mum her key back.

"You're home late..." Mum scolded. I nodded without saying a word and handed her the key. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Alan staring at me. Not at my face, at my body. I immediately felt uncomfortable so I quickly said "goodnight" to my Mum and rushed upstairs. I shut my door but was unable to lock it because there was no actual lock to use. My back was against the door as I continued to take deep breaths. I looked around trying to find something to block the door, but nothing. Why was I in the most dangerous room in the house? I sighed and walked towards my bag to find my pyjamas to get changed. After changing, I went into the bathroom and took off my make up. I filled the sink up with warm water and swilled my face with it, then took some soap and rubbed it on my face, then swilled my face once more. Once I dried my face, I heard my Mum and Alan coming up the stairs to go to bed too. I stayed inside the bathroom until I heard their bedroom door close. Then I stepped out to go to my room. I closed the door and flopped onto my bed. As I spent some time alone in silence, I came to realise that there was a strangely negative bad feeling air around the house. I couldn't really identify where it came from and it started to frustrate me so I decided to speak to Dom about it. I took my phone from the bedside table and opened it. I clicked the "Phone" app and clicked on Dom's number to call him.

"Alright, love?" Dom asked happily down the phone.
"No, I'm not... I've got a really bad feeling about something and it's worrying me." I admitted. As I explained, my hands began to shake and I was overcome by a cold feeling.
"Is it anything specific? I could come back over if you want?" He offered.
"No... No don't bother, it's too late now. I don't think it's anything specific and I don't want you walking in the dark on your own anyway." I continued to explain.
"Ok then, Crys. I'll still be here for you, I'm only a call away if you need me."
"Thanks Dom. I felt like I just needed to tell someone rather than it chewing me up."
"Of course, those things are better out than in, especially in your case. Just go and get some sleep and I'll swing by tomorrow." Dom advised.
"Ok... Goodnight, Dom."
"Goodnight." The hang-up tone rang in my ear before I removed my phone from it. I sighed again, placing my phone where it had previously been laying. I curled up in bed, trying to get comfortable to fall asleep, but nothing. I tried turning the opposite way, still nothing. I laid on my back, again, nothing. Nothing was making me tired; paranoia was in the way. I sat up and took my phone back into my hands to scroll through social media.

An hour flew by quicker than I thought, the house was quiet, I was still scrolling through my phone. Before long, I started to hear a door open and close. I assumed that it was someone going to the bathroom until my door burst open. And who else to come through the door but Alan? No words came out of his mouth, he just stood there, staring.
"What do you want?" I asked after moments of silence. Again, no words. He just put his index finger against his lips. He then moved forward and shut the door. The room was now pitch black aside from my phone screen lighting up my face and the wall behind me. I heard shuffling from the door closer to me and before I knew it, a hand was put over my mouth. I immediately threw my phone to the end of my bed and went to remove the hand from my face. Next, I felt a weight throw itself on top of me.

"You keep your mouth shut, you hear me?" Alan whispered grossly into my ear. Straight away, I started to mumble through his hand, which angered him, making him push down on my mouth more. I grunted in pain and started to squirm to get Alan off my body, not that I achieved anything. All of a sudden, the pressure was released from my mouth momentarily but before I could say anything, something that felt like a piece of cloth was shoved in my mouth. Then, I was pinned down, my arms forcefully pressed against the mattress. I continued to shout and scream through the cloth as I felt my clothes be removed, leaving my body bare. I knew what was about to happen but the reality of it shook me to my core, leaving me with tears constantly rolling down my face.

"I think I've found a new use for you, dear... stay still" Alan whispered again before pulling something metal out of his pocket. Before I knew it, I had been cuffed to the bed. Next, Alan started to move further down my body, towards my legs to take off my pants. This gave me the opportunity to kick him and hopefully hurt him. So I attempted but the shock of the situation made me weak, meaning that my kick wasn't very harmful. Alan saw my struggle, his anger shown through his actions; he slapped my face and moved quicker to do what he wanted to me. Quicker than I thought, I felt a sharp pain in my womanhood. This pain was continued which made me realise that I was well and truly being raped and Alan was inside of me. I started to panic and cry more. I screamed and screamed as he thrusted violently into me, causing pain and anger to take over my body. Next thing I knew, Alan's hand wrapped around my throat as he continued to hurt me.

"I told you to be quiet. You're only going to make it worse for yourself." He warned. As Alan quickened his pace, I struggled to breathe, with my nosy being stuffy from crying and my mouth covered in cloth, I started to become light-headed and eventually everything started to fade away. The only thing I could think of was that I needed help, so I started to chant those three words in my head over and over

I need help... I need help... I need help... I need help...

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