We Meet Again

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The night went by quicker than expected. It was already the next morning and I was receiving a call that woke me up. I groaned and turned to face my phone. I picked it up to see the name "Dom" on the screen. I smiled to myself and swiped right to answer the call. 

"Hey, Dom." I greeted groggily, still waking up.

"Hey, just making sure you weren't going to leave me locked outside. I'm almost at Liverpool." He joked, receiving a giggle from me in return. 

"For sure, guess that leaves me to get ready now."

"You could, it'd be rather helpful." 

"Well, you're in a bit of a joking mood today, aren't you?" I poked fun at Dom's humour. 

"Nah, more like a good mood. I'm just excited to see you again."

"Shut up, dude, you're making me blush." I giggled to him. I was excited myself, finally getting some closure on what happened yesterday in London between us and honestly, just having time between us again was exciting too. 

"Well I'd rather tell the truth than lie, right?"

"I guess... Would you like me to meet you at the station "

"Well, I should leave you to get ready if that's what you wanna do."

"Sure, I'll see you soon... oh, I should send my address to you too."

"Yeah, that'd be a pretty good idea." Dom chuckled down the phone. "You go ahead and send it to me, I'll see you soon, Crys."

After the phone was hung up, I quickly sent Dom my address then picked out the first outfit I could see in my wardrobe. I went with a black and white checkered skirt with fishnets and my classic Nirvana tee and knee high boots to go with it. I grabbed my toothbrush out of my bag that had been brought upstairs the previous day, then ran towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Once I was back in my bedroom, I grabbed all of my make up out of the same bag as my toothbrush and placed it all on my dressing table. I spent the next half an hour creating a natural make up look followed by some nude lipstick and lip gloss. I then took my hairbrush out from my drawer and styled my hair to be parted toward the right.

Finally, I was ready and did a final check of my outfit before gathering my essentials and putting them into a black hand bag that I owned; I also went into my bag once more to grab a £5 note to go into town with. Once everything was obtained, I jogged downstairs to find my Mum to let her know where I'd be. I walked into the living room and lo and behold, she was there, on the couch with a cup of tea. I sighed in relief realising that it was only Mum in the room and remembering that Alan went back to work. 

"Hey Mum."

"Oh, you look... nice. Where are you off to?" Mum asked.

"I'm just going to meet Dom in town, I won't be long." I said, beginning to walk out of the living room. Before I had completely left the room, I was called back in.

"Do you really have to wear that skirt to meet a boy, Crys?" Really? She had to ask that? I sighed, remaining calm.

"Well, I think I look quite good today, so... yeah."

"It's just... I feel like it may be a bit too short. There's a lot of bad people out there these days." She explained. Mum has always been a bit over-protective but lately, it has been more frequent and very annoyed. I sighed again.

"Look, I like it and I'm running late so I can't change even if I wanted to. Sorry, ok? I'll see you in a bit?" I walked back out of the room, paying no attention to my Mum who was shouting to me telling me to change before leaving. Apparently I was making a mistake going out like this but I just grabbed my earphones from the fireplace and left the house, plugging the buds into my ears before shutting the front door. 

15 minutes passed and I was finally in the centre of town and was approaching the train station. As I got closer I started to look around at the people who were waiting outside of the station. As much as I looked, I still couldn't spot Dom. I took one more glance before I went inside. I looked around again and couldn't see him so I went to one of the staff members to look for the Doncaster train.

"U-Um... Excuse me..."

"Yes, how can I help." The sweet woman replied with a charming smile.

"Hi, has the train come in from Doncaster yet?" I asked.

"It has, yes. I got here about 5 or 10 minutes ago."

"Right... Thanks so much."

"That's alright, love." The woman said before going back to her usual job. So, 5 or 10 minutes means he should still be around the area. I decided to finally call Dom to see where he was.

"Hello?" Dom asked from the other end.

"Hey, did you get off the train."

"Yeah, I'm in the Costa Coffee if you know where it is." I glanced around my surroundings until I spotted the lit-up sign saying "Costa Coffee"

"Found it, I'll be right there."

"Alright, love." I put the phone down and speed-walked towards the coffee shop. As I got closer, I noticed a young man with brown fluffy and messy hair with a Korn hoodie on. That must be Dom. I called his name, dying for a response so I didn't look like an idiot.

"Dom?" He looked up and around to see where my voice came from.

"To your left." I directed him, giggling. Once his eyes locked onto me, he dived out of his seat and towards me.

"CRYSTAL!" He screamed before ploughing his body into mine. I wrapped my arms around him, laughing at his reaction. 

"We meet again." I joked, gaining a laugh from him. We remained in a tight embrace for moments before Dom released and pulled me towards his table. As I sat down, I noticed a second take-out coffee cup on the table. Dom quickly picked up on how I was looking at the cup and pushed it towards me.

"That's for you, darlin'" He smiled his cheesy smile at me as my face lit up. I lifted the lid off the cup and smelled the beverage. Hot chocolate... my favourite! I blushed as I took a sip of the drink which still remained hot. The flavour instantly hit my taste buds, the warmth of the drink making me sigh in comfort opposed to the bitter cold outside of the station. Dom and I sat in silence for a while, both feeling slightly awkward about the events of the last time we saw each other.

"So... how was your journey?" I asked, trying the small talk route. Dom looked up from his cup and grinned. It was as if he was relieved I attempted to make conversation.

"Not too bad." He replied, "How have things been at home?" Just like yesterday, I tried to avoid the conflict with Alan; I didn't want Dom to worry about me. I sat for a moment to think about what to say and how to say it.

"I mean... nothing notable has happened. Still not great, but nothing has been... life-changing." I explained, lying through my teeth. I kind of felt bad for not being honest but as is obvious, I have my reasons. 

"Ah..." Dom said reluctantly, "As long as you're ok, love, that's all I care about." I smiled towards Dom at his kindness, yet my guilt still hung over me. I shook it off temporarily, thinking to myself how I'm going to keep this act up for the next few days.

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