One More Day

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2 weeks had flown by and it was the day before I had to leave. Dom wasn't aware and frankly didn't have a clue of when I was leaving. We planned to meet up at the shop because Dom had work so I was going to go and speak to him for a while. We had done this pretty regularly, if not a daily thing to keep me away from the "family from hell" who I was stuck with. I was planning on making the evening as great as I could, it was improvised, considering I didn't know the place very well, but I still made the effort. 

Once I reached the music shop I entered and nosed about to try and look for Dom. No sign of him. I assumed he was in the back so I started looking at some of the guitars that they had. I had a particular interest in one which had pink started on the outside but still had the beautiful wooden look on the inside. Unfortunately I couldn't get it because it was £500 and I certainly wasn't going to pay that sort of money for it. I must have went into deep thought about this guitar because I was jump scared by someone grasping onto my waist and shouting behind me.  

"It's a beauty isn't it?" I jumped out of my skin and immediately spun myself around to find the same person I was waiting for in the first place.

"Dom! Why did you do that?!" I laughed and fell into his chest. He laughed along with me and hugged me to comfort me.

"Did I scare the poor little lady?" He mocked. I immediately stood up straight, fixed my already messy hair and scoffed playfully.

"N-Not one bit... I-I was just playing..." I lied jokingly. Dom giggled. "I'll remember that..." I looked back at him, scared slightly. "What does that mean?..." I backed away from him, laughing. "You'll see..." He walked off to help another customer whilst performing an evil laugh. I laughed at his childish behaviour and went to sit near the front desk. Once he finished helping the customer, he looked for me and practically skipped over to me. I laughed once again before he came to sit next to me. 

"Shift's almost done now, Crys. What do you fancy doing today?" Dom asked, clearly excited to be with me. "I don't know... is there any place that is... I don't know, remote... quiet?..." I asked. I wanted a quiet environment to tell Dom that I was leaving, not for any specific reason, I had just thought it was a nice thing to do, after all it was something important.

"I've got an amazing place in mind already. I always go there when I need time to myself." Dom smiled and grabbed my hands. "I've been meaning to show you this place for a while too, so this is going to be great." I laughed half-heartedly, knowing I wasn't going to tell him any good news. I looked down, overthinking ways I should have told him.

"Hey... you ok?" Dom asked whilst pretty much shoving his face close to mine. "Y-yeah... I just have something rather important to tell you... when we get there. Don't worry about it right now." I explained and looked back up at him. Dom nodded and we got lost in a trance for a minute as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Hey, Dom..." The store manager, Shane, broke our stares to get Dom's attention. "I'm closing up shop early... personal reasons... so you're free to head off now if you want."

"Alright, man. Sure you don't need any help closing up?" Dom offered.

"Nah, nah, I'll be alright... Hey Crystal." Shane knew me quite well after me being at the shop pretty much everyday in the past 2 weeks. "Hey." I responded with a smile on my face.

"Alright then, let's get going. See you later, Shay." Dom waved back to him, then took my hand and pulled me to the back while he grabbed his stuff. Once Dom had everything, he shouted goodbye one more time before we left to his remote place.

When we arrived, there was a bunch of bushes, shrubs, nettles and pretty much any other piece of nature you could imagine which were covering this special place. As we overcame the bushes, I was greeted by lots of city, lights, roads, hills and the sky which was starting to turn pink and orange. 

"Take a seat, love." Dom said, patting the ground next to him as he sat down. I followed and sat right next to him as we watched the sky change colour. We were silent for a while before Dom's curiosity got the better of him. 

"So... what's the matter. You've seemed quite downcast since we first met up... nothing's happened, has it?" He asked, clearly wanting an answer.

"No, Dom, nothing's happened... I just need to give you... basically a heads up on something."

"OK?..." Dom took my hand into his and didn't remove his eyes from me. 

"I've gotta leave..." I said, thinking about what to say next.

"Leave... London?" Dom seemed to already have an idea of what I was going to say.


"O-OK... When?" He continued with a softer voice.

"T-Tomorrow..." I admitted, slowly descending my head. I heard Dom's breath hitch before he began to speak. 

"So... What are we going to do?"

"I-I don't know... I don't want this to mean that we've only had a temporary friendship or anything..." I trailed off as I spoke thinking about the past 2 weeks with Dom. How we've laughed, how we've opened up to each other, it was everything I hadn't really had before. I didn't just want to leave that all of a sudden.

"Well, that's where the luck of having technology comes in." Dom half-joked. I smiled but my emotions stayed still. My mind started to wonder off into different scenarios.

"B-But what if... what if we forget to talk... what if you meet a better person to be friends with? What if--"

"Crys, darling, stop it!" Hearing Dom's pet names for me immediately comforted me. "You're not listening to yourself, I wouldn't do that to you." He started.

"Crystal, you're one of the coolest people I've ever met. It would be wrong for me to stop speaking with you after we've just spent two weeks together. Plus, you have opened up to me about things you didn't have to, why would I take that information and then lose touch with you?" I shrugged my shoulders in response to his question.

"So why would you take into consideration that I wouldn't talk to you after you left?" I looked up at Dom, who had visible tears in his eyes, probably due to my thoughts.

"Because... Because I'm so used to it... everyone else who comes into my life likes to leave as quick as they came." I, yet again, admitted something I didn't really want to; I felt like I didn't really have a choice.

"C-Crys..." Dom paused. "I'm not like them. I won't just up and leave because I can't see you. You're my friend, I wouldn't do that to you." 

"Promise?" I asked. Dom had told me before that he doesn't do promises much, only when he knows he can keep it, so I thought I'd test that.

"I promise." He replied with no hesitation. This plus his sincere facial expression told me he meant it so I went along with it.

"O-Ok then... I trust you." I nodded, descending into Dom's chest. He put his arm around me and we shared an embrace for a while.

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