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Your P.O.V

There was a crowd of people inside the large room. None of them looked at us as Garroth opened the door, and if any did they clearly weren't interested. The room was filled with people aswell as tables, some were sitting but most were standing.

None of these people wore armor or any uniform that indicated they were gaurds. Infact most if them wore nice clothes as if they were important or here for an important reason.

Aside from the people, there was a stage in the room. There was no microphone but there was a podium so it was an easy assumption to make that someone would eventually be speaking there. On the other side of the room was a long table with small snacks on it that would be brought to a house party. Aperantly I was to focused on the unimportant parts of the room because Vylad noticed something immediately.

"Is that Zane?" He asked leaning over to Garroth.

I instantly scanned the room for Zane incase he was correct, which he was. I barely knew Zane and had only seen him afew times in person but his height and dark hair are both easy to notice. Zane was looking to the side talking to another man and for a long minute he didn't seem to notice us. He turned slowly in our direction, definitely not expecting to see either of his brothers.

His eyes widened when he saw us, or rather, when he saw Garroth and Vylad. He didn't move or make any alarmed body motions, which I was surprised he was able to do, but he definitely looked surprised.

I watched Garroth point at Zane before he made a 'what' expression but then made a shooing motion towards the door that was behind Zane and slightly to the left. Zane turned around effortlessly and walked towards the door.

I followed Garroth, and so did everyone else, through a crowd of people. Even as we were pushing past people none of them seemed to give much attention to us, and if they did it was nothing more than a dirty glance. Garroth had a hand on the doorknob as soon as it was in his reach and he swung it open hard. We all followed him through the door and then Katelyn shut the door quietly behind her.

This new place was merely a long and wide hallway. It was well put together and there were rugs and doorways all around. To say the least it looked much more used than the door we had just come from.

"How'd you get here so fast?" Garroth asked after a moment of thick silence. His voice was a mix of emotions. He sounded winded aswell as angry and tired.

I dont know what I expected him to say but it hadn't been that.

"What? What- how'd you? I just got here. What?" Zane looked and sounded just as confused as when he first spotted us.

"We saw you in O'khasis." Garroth said.

"You saw me in O'khasis? You were in O'khasis?" Zane asked, he narrowed his eyes at Garroth. He hadn't even really acknowledge anyone else in the room.

"Yes, we saw you in O'khasis. Now what are you doing here and how are you alive?" Garroth asked, he sounded less desperate now and more angry.

"How am I alive? You're one to talk big brother." Zane said. He sounded almost humorous as if nothing was wrong.

I silently glanced over at Laurance who didn't have much of an expression although I'm sure he was putting things together in his head. If he was even capable of doing so, I'm not sure how much could actually be put together based on what he knows and what's being said in this conversation.

"Answer the question. How are you in here while Mom's in prison right now." Garroth asked harshly.

"I've worked my way into their government- and if you dont let me back in there they will notice I'm gone." Zane said, his voice was hushed now.

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