
978 34 9

Your P.O.V

"We are not stealing that poor ladies clothes." I said crossing my arms across my chest and raising my eyebrows at Garroth.

"If you get caught and wind up in jail I'm not coming to save you. And I'm definitely not gonna be there with you cause I'm not getting caught." Garroth stared at me like I was the only person around that could hear him. He looked at me for a moment when he was done talking before he turned around and began walking towards the house.

The clothing line was long, and mostly filled with clothing. Mostly girl's things, big and small. This lady must have kids, in their teens at least. I tried scanning the clothing line before I got to it but it was two difficult to find anything that didn't look to big or to short.

Garroth, clearly, already knew what he was going for because he ducked under the clothes and walked to the other side where I noticed there was another clothing line. Katelyn began delicately unpinning something that I didn't care to look at because I was panicking about having done nothing but stand. I scanned the line again and without taking any of it into consideration I pulled down a lylac jumper. It had no pins and instead was just flung over the line. It was still wet and when I touched it I felt that the fabric was rived.

I turned my body back towards Katelyn but she was already starting to walk. I would have asked where she was going but I knew for a fact she had no idea, she was following Garroth. I strode towards her trying to look normal but it was pretty hard to look normal when the person infront of you is clearly on a mission to get somewhere.

Katelyn walked into the few trees that were almost right next to the house we had just stolen clothes from. There were maybe 12 trees in a small cluster that sperated one yard from another. Katelyn and I walked past three trees, at most, before we found Garroth. He was bent down, trying very hard to take his white sweatpants off over his shoes. He was looking up at us so he had clearly either seen or heard us coming.

"Thanks for telling us the plan." Katelyn said sounding quiet annoyed.

"You were taking to long." Garroth said almost breathily even though he had no reason to be out of breath. He pulled hard one last time and threw the sweat pants he had been wearing to the side.

I turned around suddenly realizing that I was watching Garroth instead of changing my own clothes. I took my semi tight semi loose joggers off and slipped my legs into the opening of the jumper. I pulled it up and then pulled my shirt up and over my head. I pulled both straps up at the same time and looked down at myself, finding that it seemed almost to big. I reached at my back and found that there was a tie hanging at either side of my waist. I brought them together at my front and tied them in a bow. The fabric was cool and damp where it touched my skin.

I looked down at my Dao that I had set in the grass. It would definently be harder to hold onto wearing this. But I slipped it underneith my clothes and thried to keep it secure using the tie.

I turned back around and faced Garroth, who was now wearing navy blue pants that had lines on them virtically and horizontally. He was wearing the same tight white t-shirt he had been when he took his armor off. The outfit looked both out of place and planned at the same time.

Katelyn, who was standing next to me was still struggling to roll up her jean shorts so that they would fit better. She was wearing a fitted black shirt that was tucked into her light colored jean shorts. Her shirt looked to be the perfect size while the shorts seemed to be to big. For less then a second we were all standing straight just looking at one another.

"You lead the way." Katelyn said motioning her hand out forward even though I'm sure she wasn't exactly sure what direction we would be walking in. Garroth turned around and began walking in the direction Katelyn had motioned but after we made it to the main walkway we instantly turned to the right.

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