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Your P.O.V


"I think it's him but you're a more reliable source than me." Katelyn walked into the small room that I've been calling mine since we left on our journey three months ago.

When Katelyn and I were first assigned to search for Garroth we spent nine months looking. That was nine months of me trying to convince Katelyn to go North or South, only because I knew Garroth was in the East. This time when we started looking the East was the first place we went, because even if Garroth doesn't want to be found that's what we're going to do.

"How can you not know if it's him." Katelyn wasn't good at relaying information from any of the villages we had been in, but it was much more suspicious to have two Jury members in one village.

"None of their gaurds look even remotely similar to Garroth but the head Gaurd wears a helmet. I can't tell if it's his voice but you might be able to, I never really talked to him much." Katelyn said.

"So basically you have no idea if it's him or not. You just found a guy who wears a helmet." I said, not the slightest bit amused.

"It's an option okay. If it's not him we'll get out of here and go to Brightport." Katelyn was clearly stressed, which she has every right to be. She paused for a moment, "Do you think Garroth would have bothered to change his name?"

"So you're just going to ask him to take off the helmet or what. I don't think that's something we can do. His lord maybe, we aren't in charge of him. It could seem threatening towards their village." I said ignoring her last question because frankly I don't know the answer.

"Plan A is that if it is him, he'll see you and...I don't know say something to let us know it's him. Plan B is to, um, tell him what's going on in O'khasis. That's gotta trigger something right." Katelyn seemed more worried about her own plan than I did.

"Sure," I said standing up out of my chair and raising my hands in the air, "why not."

Before leaving O'Khasis we were told we had five months to come back with the prince. If we came back empty handed we would be thrown in jail. If we refused to come back we would be hunted down. The King and Queen were thrown in jail as the Tu'la army invaded. All of the other Jurers were put in jail as well, Katelyn and I were able to leave with the promise that we would bring Garroth back. Of course when we made this promise we weren't going to turn Garroth in, I'm not even fully sure what we're going to do.

As we left the boat and stepped onto the beach I instantly noted how empty it seemed. Katelyn had said it was a small village, but for the beach side to be so empty on a nice day confused me. Maybe the villagers had been told to keep scarce of the beach because of the O'khasis boat.

We walked up the stone stairs to what I asumed was the lords house. Katelyn was ahead of me and was already knocking the door when I reached the top of the hill. In less than a minute a short black haired girl answered. She looked worried, which made sense considering two O'khasis guards were at her doorstep.

"Lady Katelyn, what brings you here." Just by her voice you could tell she was nervous.

"This is Y/N, she works with me in the Jury. Can we speak to your head gaurd?" Katelyn asked. Just by the way she introduced me as Y/N and not Y/N the Iron Dao I knew what kind of person this lord was.

"Is there a reason?" The girl asked. Katelyn looked over at me, she was clearly trying to find something to say.

"We just want to talk. It won't take long." I said before Katelyn panicked and said anything ridiculous.

"Can I be there, I'd just like to know what's going on." The girl ran her fingers through the bottom of her hair. Katelyn and I were both silent for a moment.

"Of coarse." Katelyn said eventually. The girl nodded before she exited the doorway and then reopened it. "You can go inside and sit down if you'd like."

Katelyn let herself in and I followed, the room was taken up by a Kitchen and a dinning room table. There was a staircase to the right and I could see another staircase this time going down farther back in the room. A white dog was sitting and watching from it's dog bed. As Katelyn sat down at the dinning table she scratched the top of the dogs head.

"That's Lord Aphmau, I'm pretty sure she's scared of me." Katelyn said, I pulled a chair out and sat down next to her.

"I would be two if I was the lord of a small village and two O'khasis gaurds were in my village." I said, I crossed my arms across my chest and leaned back in the chair.

We were silent for only a minute or two before the door opened and Aphmau stepped in. Her cheeks were slightly red but it was impossable to tell if she was running or is it was because she was nervous. The man that walked in behind her was in a full suit of armor so it was impossable to tell anything about him other than the fact that he was tall.

"Okay Plan B then." Katelyn said after a moment of excruciatingly awkward silence, making me roll my eyes and mentally face palm. "Tu'la has invaded O'khasis." Katelyn said leaning on the table infront of her.

"What." The man sounded surprised but I'm sure anyone would be when they found out the biggest village in Ru'uan has been taken over. Something in my brain clicked when he spoke that made my eyes light up instantly. I couldn't necessarily pin point his voice as Garroth's, but it felt familiar. I held on to a strand of hope that I wasn't imagining things.

"So you're from Tu'la, not O'khasis?" Aphmau asked though both Katelyn and I had ignored her question.

"The King and Queen are in jail. And Y/N and I might end up there soon." Katelyn continued.

"Okay, okay I get it." The man said suddenly, he moved his hand up to take his helmet off and I felt my body stiffen without me trying.

His hair was longer, even when it was sweaty and partially stuck to his forehead. He looked older, and not only in looks, as if he were more mature. If I were to hold a picture of 18 year old Garroth up to this man I might not even be able to recognize him as the same man. But it was, it was Garroth.

"I'm confused what's going on." Aphmau was staring at Garroth, not with a confused expression, but with surprise. Surprised that Garroth took his helmet off, thats the only reason I could see. Or maybe it was because of what we just said about O'khasis but I doubt if it were that she would be looking at Garroth.

Garroth looked back at her when she spoke. When he saw her expression his face changed and he instantly looked conflicted. Like he was frozen with no idea what to do. Katelyn clearly saw the same thing because she spoke almost seconds after.

"She doesn't know who you are does she?" Katelyn asked.

"Well that would defeat the point, wouldn't it Katelyn." Garroth turned towards Katelyn and glared at her like she was crossing a line.

"The point of what? Tell me what's going on. Are you in trouble?" Aphmau's voice was a mix of desperation and confusion. Again Garroth looked down at her, this time he looked apologetic although I'm not sure why he would feel sorry.

"I've been in trouble for a while." Garroth said after a moment of thinking. Aphmau's eyes went wide, that wasn't the right thing to say if his goal was to make Aphmau feel better.

"What, what does that mean?" Aphmau looked from Garroth over to us and then back to Garroth.

"I have to go to O'khasis for a while." Garroth was talking as if he was going off to war, which I'm sure definitely didn't make her feel better.

"Tell me what's going on Garroth." Aphmau spoke through her teeth this time, clearly starting to get frustrated. Garroth grabbed onto Aphmau's upper arm shocking her slightly but making her look at his face.

"Don't leave Laurance's side until I get back. Okay?"

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