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Your P.O.V

On the bright side of things, arriving in Scaleswind had solved Garroth's, and all of O'khasis' problems almost immediately. Despite O'khasis and Scaleswind not being on the greatest of terms, Scaleswinds Lord let Zianna in immediately to talk.

After completely disregarding O'khasis and Scaleswinds previous problems the Lord of Scaleswind agreed to give us the military power of their village to remove all Tu'la powers from O'khasis. In a matter of many long hours it seemed that Scaleswind had managed to remove all Tu'la gaurds from O'khasis. Which ultimately led to the rescue of the King and many other important figures of O'khasis who had been held captaive.

None of us had seen any proof of any of this, yet. All information had been relayed from the Scaleswind head gaurd to the Lord of Scaleswind and then to us. We left Scaleswind immediately after finding out it would be safe to re-enter O'khasis.

So we stood at the edge of O'khasis' walls, all hopping off our horses just before the gates. Garroth entered first with his mother right behind him.

O'khasis looked almost completely the same as when we left it, the streets were empty but this time there were no gaurds in sight. We walked silently down the streets, no one said a word and the only noise seemed to be Garroth shoving the castle doors open as we got to them.

The first people to be spotted in the castle were a group of gaurds, both Scaleswind and O'khasis. Among them were Damion and Pryer Lewis, the head Gaurd of O'khasis and the head of the Jury of nine. Garroth didn't pay much attention to them as he walked forward and towards a new door I had never been through. I however, did make eye contact with Pryer who looked back at me startled. Katelyn and I had not seen Pryer since O'khasis was invaded and he was put in jail so I'm sure he had many ideas as to what could have happened to us.

As we walked into this new room I was very aware of Pryers footsteps behind us. The new room was one I hadn't been in before. It was almost like a living space, although it was small and frankly seemed useless in the large castle. It was mostly empty other than a large couch, rug, and fireplace. There was a small table with papers spilled all over it. One person, who I didn't recognize, was bent over top of the table writing. Standing across from him was Garte, he looked mildly unsatisfied but that's to be expected from someone who was just held captaive. One more man stood a distance away from them, I had never spoken to him, I only knew him as the second in command of O'khasis. For a long moment Garte and the man at the table ignored the door opening and us walking through. The other man noticed but said nothing, only waited. And after a moments hesitation Garte looked up and to the side at us all.

He stared long and hard at his oldest son who was front and center and walking straight towards him. Zianna and Garroth were the only ones that walked to the other end of the room. Vylad stopped walking suddenly and caused Katelyn to run into him and then for Laurance to run right into her.

"Give me some space would'ya." Katelyn turned around and glared at Laurance, who took a step back.

"Why'd you stop?" Laurance asked semi quietly. He was looking towards Vylad but Vylad was facing away from Laurance.

Within seconds we all found out why Vylad had stopped, as if he had anticipated what would happen next. As soon as he was within reach Garroth reached his left hand and Grabbed his father by the shirt. It didnt look like he did much of anything with his hand after this, but he swung his right hand back and smashed it forward.

Not a single one of the Ro'meaves looked shocked. Not even Garte who had just been punched in the face. He merely turned his head to the side and gave a slight grimace. At lightning speed Garroth had his other hand clenched in his Dads shirt and pulled them together. Garroth spoke in a whisper yell to his father so I understood nothing he was saying, but I got the hint that he was angry.

After a very delayed reaction the gaurd next to Garte had his hands on Garroth and was pushing him off. Garroth backed off after only a moment of resisting and he took a step backwards. My eyes were glued forward and I never would have looked away if it werent for Pryers voice behind me.

"You two actually found him?"

Everyone in the group turned towards him even though he had very clearly only been talking to Katelyn and I. I opened my mouth to speak, not even fully sure what I was going to say, but Katelyn got to it first.

"We just saved your useless life. At least act like you had some confidence in us, at any point in time." Katelyn glared at him. Pryer, who seemed much less amused, raised his eyebrows at her.

"You're right, I didn't, but good job doing your job."

I cringed at his words, wondering if that's really all he had to say. I ultimately decided that he wouldn't have said something slightly nicer if it weren't for the fact that Katelyn called his life useless.

"Come on."

When I turned back towards the group Garroth was pushing his brother out of his way as if he weighed nothing. If you wouldn't have seen the earlier event you would have thought he was angry at Vylad.

"Come on, Laurance, were leaving."

Katelyn had stepped out of Garroths way now and Garroth had his hands on Laurances stomach and was pushing him backwards. Laurance seemed hesitant at first and didnt budge but he ultimately decided he had no reason to argue and he turned around.

I watched Garroth and Laurance walk all the way to the door before I looked over at Katelyn. We exchanged worried looks but neither of us said anything because we were both clearly lost.

"Give him a minute." Vylad said instantly. I pushed through us just as Garroth had and began walking towards the door Garroth and Laurance had just left out of.

I looked at Katelyn once again but when I got absolutely nothing out of her expression I looked towards Zianna who was still across the room with her husband. She was saying something to Garte, and the distress in her expression made me think she was yelling even though she couldn't be heard.

"Well aren't you going to go after him?" I looked back at Katelyna and raised my eyebrows completely surprised.

"And say what?" I asked.

"Anything. We didn't start this whole thing so you could find Garroth, tie up loose knots or whatever, and then let him leave again." Katelyn glared at me.

I shared a glance with Katelyn before walking towards the same door the guys had left through. I could feel Katelyns presence behind me following me towards the door. When I was only a step away from the door, I was in the middle of reaching for the handle when it opened for me. I had been looking down towards the handle at the time and it immediately startled me and I took a step back.

I looked up at Garroth who didn't look nearly as surprised as me. He seemed conflicted before he spoke.

"Um, come home with me." He said.

For once Katelyn said nothing.

"What?" I asked and for some reason I now felt like I was dreaming.

"Come with me, to Pheonix Drop. You said you'd do it before, do it now." Garroth said, his tone almost came off forceful.

I felt myself almost waiting for Katelyn to say something, I had to remind myself I needed to answer.

"I- of coarse"

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