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Your P.O.V

The owner of the motel that we checked  into didn't seem to notice the fact that Vylad was profusely bleeding from his leg, or maybe he just didn't care, either way he gave us a room without question. The room wasn't large, it only had one small bed and an even smaller couch. I assume that Garroth wasn't expecting to spend the night, and if he had been he would have thought to get more than one bed.

"Why do we need a room?" Katelyn asked, you would think she would have asked this before or during the point of us getting the room.

"We need somewhere to make a plan. Besided if we have to split up we need a place to get back to." Garroth said.

"Why on Earth would we split up?" Katelyn asked, she sounded appalled.

"I don't know, if we're getting chased would you rather split up or stay together?" Garroth asked.

"Stay together." Katelyn said instantly, "Then I can trip one of you and get away myself."

Garroth and Vylad were both silent. I wanted to laugh but I knew Katelyn was being serious, and she would most likely go for Vylad first considering she barely knows him. Although after finding out Vylad is a shadowknight he probably wouldn't let himself get caught even after being tripped.

"Okay, what the hell?" Garroth asked sounding quite shocked.

Katelyn held her hands out and raised her eyebrows as if it was a fair thing to say. "I have no emotional attchment to any of you, well other than Y/N."

"Okay noted." Garroth sighed.

"We should be looking for their jail cells." Vylad said, he took many steps toward the wall and peered through the blinds as if he would see something of use.

"Yeah I'm sure they're gonna hold their captives in just any old jail cell." Katelyn said, which was a fair point.

"Most jail cells in big villages are all connected to eachother in one way or another. Finding the regular prison cells might lead us to the more private ones." Vylad stated. He walked away from the wall again.

Without any other ideas considered we left the hotel room. Outside was so extremely empty it felt awkward. We saw gaurds every once and a while while we walked. Some of them looked over at us and stared, which was understandable considering we were some of the only people outside. We walked for a long time, never once going down the same rode twice. We didn't talk as we walked, which didn't help the awkward feeling.

It had been a long period of time until one of us spoke. Although it was impossible to tell how long it had actually been because the silence made it seem twice as long. I watched as a gaurd open a door to a building and enter it. Aperantly I hadn't been the only one to notice because Vylad said something before I could.

"Over there," Vylad said, "a gaurd just went in there."

Vylad turned and began walking towards the building, we all followed him without any questioning. He tugged on the door when we got close and it opened easily. I watched Vylad look over at Garroth slightly shocked that the door had opened. The door had opened silently so as we walked in the man ahead of us hadn't seemed to notice. We stood there completely quiet for a moment before the man walked out of view.

Looking around it seemed like a ,very large, empty room. There were three, sectioned off, desks to the right, a hallway straight ahead, and a staircase to the left.

"Where are we going?" Katelyn whisper asked.

"How should I know, you wanna lead the way?" Garroth whispered back.

"Boyfriend's always lead the way in haunted houses." Katelyn said, her voice becoming slightly louder.

"This isn't a haunter house." Garroth whispered narrowing his eyes at Katelyn.

"Close enough." Katelyn glared.

Garroth sighed before he turned away from Katelyn and looked down the hall. He began walking in the same direction the gaurd infront of us had went, which could have been a great idea or not so much.

The hall was mostly empty, with nothing but plaster walls surrounding us until we hit a doorway. Garroth opened it slowly but behind the door was merely another part of the hallway with another door at the end. This hallway was shorter and again had nothing but walls and a door. We reached it quickly and Garroth opened this door the same as he had the last one.

This time, as he opened the door, a group of men stared back at us. Most of them were wearing armour, but it was hard to get a good look at all of them because of how quickly Garroth had reacted by shutting the door. We all turned around instantly taking only afew steps back towards the other door before that door two opened and yet another gaurd walked through. He looked surprised and most likely had nothing to do with the men through the other door.

I heard Garroth curse under his breath but he didn't move, and neither did anyone else.


I watched Garroth pace silently in the small cell we had been thrown in. None of us had said much of anything although I took note of everyones expressions. Katelyn looked more surprised than anything and Vylad was sitting with his back to the wall looking surprisingly calm. Garroth on the other hand, was anything but calm. He placed quickly and nervously with his hands glued to the back of his neck.

"Calm down." Vylad said his voice coming out slightly annoyed.

"Calm down? Vylad, what is there to be calm about." Garroth asked turning and looking down at his brother.

We were in a measly holding cell as of now, it would be the easiest to escape and Garroth realised that.

"We're fine." Vylad said. I'm not sure how he knew that but he seemed pretty confident in his answer.

"No, we are not fine. It's not going to be long before we're all identified and then what?" Garroth asked.

"Then nothing, because that won't happen." Vylad said.

"What are you right now? In denial or something?"

"Stop arguing, you're not helping." I said. Garroth huffed and turned away from Vylad to look back out through the bars.

After that it was silent, and for a long time too. No one came in or out of  the cell we sat in. We were also the only ones around, no one else being held in a cell. It had been so silent that the loud sound of metal clattering to the floor nearly made me gasp. We all turned to the center of the room where a metal plate had just hit the floor. Looking up you could clearly see where it had come from. A hole in the ceiling which even without the plate we could all tell was a vent.

For a long moment it was silent again, and you would have thought that gravity had made it fall. Until one foot, and then another, poked through the vent hole.

Hey guys it's been a hot minute since I've updated this book but hopefully that's about to change. I have an upload schedule in my bio now incase anyone wants to check that out. I also suggest to any of my active readers to catch up on both this story and A Real Catch because both stories are wrapping up pretty soon. Don't worry cause I have more stories planned to fuel myself and all of you!

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