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Your P.O.V

"I wanted to see you." Garroth said.

"W-what. Why." I asked. I was panicking, I don't know why but I was. My head was spinning and my eyes had gone wide without me trying.

"I don't really know." Garroth said, he had been whispering the whole time. I went silent, what was I supposed to say.

"I don't know what to say." I said bluntly.

"Don't say anything, come with me." Garroth said grabbing my hand pulling me until I started running with him.

He pulled me past all of the pillars in the entrance room until we were down a hallway and to a set of stairs that seemed to connect to another staircase coming from the other side of the room, thats where we stopped. A tall and thin older man was making his way down the large set of stairs. He wore a black vest and was carrying a large tray with plates, which was odd only because there was no kitchen in sight. Garroth stopped and stood still as if the man wouldn't notice us, but he clearly did.

"Sir Garroth?" He questioned.

"Uh hi Mr. Briggs." Garroth said as if the circumstances were normal.

"Are you bleeding, do you need me to request a doctor?" The man, Mr. Briggs, asked.

"No, no I'm fine." Garroth assured the man. Mr. Briggs looked down at me like he had just realised I was there. Garroth instantly let go of my hand, god how long was he holding onto my hand. The man looked back up at Garroth as if he hadn't noticed.

"I didn't realise that the jury members were still here." Mr. Briggs said.

"Oh, they're not." Garroth said not sounding fully confident in his answer, "Y/N is, um, protecting me." Garroth said. I shot Garroth a dirty look that he didn't seem to see, I didn't fully know what was going on but clearly Garroth was doing a horrible job lieing.

"Protecting you?" Mr. Briggs seemed sceptical.

"Yeah, from Vylad. He punched me." Garroth said pointing to his face.

"Sir Vylad, punched you in the face?" Mr. Briggs asked, he seemed even less convinced then the last time he spoke.

"Yep." Garroth said quickly, nodding his head.

"Alright." Mr. Briggs sighed and then continued walking down the stairs. Garroth let out an audible sigh and then continued walking, asuming that I would follow.

I followed Garroth up the stairs and past a large bathroom that had a hallway all around it, making it in the center of the room. Garroth led me to the back of the large room and then into another room that seemed only slightly smaller.

This new room was lined with different sized shelves all over one wall, the shelves only stopped to make room for a large, most likely king sized, bed. The wall to the left of the bed had a large opening, so large that it was barely a wall at all. The opening led to a balcony that was very bare, with no seating or furniture. The wall to the right of the bed had two open doors, one looking to be a closet and the other a bathroom. The last wall had a lone desk that looked to be built into the wall.

"Why are we sneaking around?" I asked as I looked around.

"No reason." Garroth said quietly. I stopped looking around and kept my eyes on Garroth. He was unbuttoning his shirt which had previously been all white but was now partially blood stained. He shrugged his shirt off his shoulders and turned slightly to throw his shirt onto his desk chair.

"So you just normally sneak around your own house." I asked, I looked back up at Garroth's eyes instead of at the muscle that covered his stomach.

"Sometimes," Garroth said sounding completely serious although I'm sure he was joking, "makes it more exciting that way." Garroth turned and walked towards the closet where it took him less then a second to find a new shirt and throw it over himself. The new shirt was dark gray and made his skin look even paler than it actually was, but it looked right on him.

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