Chapter 1: Unexpected Meeting

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Macawi Kabbin was once again dragging Obi-Wan Kenobi to her favorite cantina while he was on leave from the Clone War.

"Why you insist on dragging me along with you, I will never understand."

"Men get jealous seeing the great General Kenobi with a pretty thing like me. Once you leave they practically fall over themselves to have a chance."

She laughs as Obi-Wan shakes his head with a sigh.

"You obviously don't need any help."

She stops in front of the door of the cantina and turns to look at him.

"You and Anakin are the only two that will spend time with me. I'm stuck in the Temple all the damn time. It feels like when I was a youngling again."

"Well, after you, my lady." He gestures toward the entrance, then holds his arm out for her to hold. She chuckles as she pushes his arm away.

Jon's Canteen held steady business from all types being on some of the higher levels but always seemed to be bustling as the night got underway. They sat at the bar drinking for a couple of hours. Obi-Wan always left before it got crowded, claiming he had an early morning the next day.

"Don't get too drunk, you are reporting tomorrow morning as a CO, remember?" Obi-Wan says as he gets up to leave.

Macawi waves her hand dismissively as she downs a shot.

"Yeah, totally read the briefing."

"Of course you did," he sighs.

She watches him leave, tapping her nails on the counter. She probably should read the briefing, but that could wait until on the way there in the morning. She sat people watching for a bit. Mostly humans came to this bar, which was one reason she liked it, she stood out being a Mirialan. Jon, the owner, also gave her free drinks. She smiled as Jon walked up behind the counter. He had a droid handle the bar during the day but took over at night.

"There's my favorite customer! Always a pleasure, Macawi."

She huffed, "Of course I am."

Jon put a shot in front of her, "First few are on me tonight."

After a bit of chatting with Jon, she noticed four men walk in and sit in a booth. They looked familiar, but she couldn't quite place why. She dismissed it and ordered a drink to sip on. She watched them for a bit, seeing that they kept taking turns. The one that she had her eye on to talk to was the taller, broody man. He had gotten drinks twice and he ordered one he would down at the bar before grabbing for the rest. Once he got up again she made her way across the bar and grabbed the shot before he did.

"Macawi." She said after she downed what was supposed to be his drink. He glared down at her before responding.


That was definitely a name a clone would choose. That's why they looked familiar.

"It seems I owe you a shot, Crosshair," She didn't break eye contact with him as she ordered two more shots. He continued glaring until she held a shot out to him. He took it and downed it after she did hers.

"Seems we're even now." He leaned against the bartop, getting comfortable.

"Seems so. Most clones I know go down to 79's."

"We don't get along with the regular clones," He got another two shots and slid it over to her, "Jedi don't typically spend time in Cantinas."

"I don't get along with regular Jedi." She smirked when he held up his glass to clink.

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