Chapter 2: Missed Shot

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 Macawi took some time to regain her composure before she went back to join the others. Hunter and Crosshair were now arm wrestling and were evenly matched. She looked down the corridor and saw Wrecker lifting a poor gonk droid. She sat on a crate and started watching the other two. Hunter glanced over and smiled before turning his attention back to Crosshair.

"You all seem pretty relaxed for this kind of mission."

"It's a standard mission for us," Hunter replied, "This is number four, I think."

"Three, actually. The first was a test, not an actual mission," Tech corrected as he joined them. Wrecker also came over with the droid.

"General Grievous has been rumored to be in the area, which is why you're here, in case that's true."

"We can take him!" Wrecker put the droid down with a clang, putting his fists together.

Macawi looks between the four of them as they agree and continue conversing. They were either extremely talented or incredibly stupid. Hunter finally beat Crosshair at their arm wrestle, and he mumbled about being distracted. They messed around for another couple of hours before coming out of hyperspace.

After landing they looked at the map.

"How do you want to play this, Hunter?" Macawi asked.

"Aren't you the commander?"

"According to the reports, yes. But you've already apparently proven that you don't need a CO to do your job. Me being here doesn't change that. I'm just some extra firepower. So, what's the plan?"

"Tech, Wrecker, and I will go around this way with the charges," Hunter shows the path on the map. "Crosshair, there's a ridge here that should have a good vantage point."

"Perfect," Crosshair interrupts as he puts his helmet on.

"I hope you don't mind being a distraction for us." They all look at her.

"Please, distracting a few clankers is nothing for me."

Wrecker laughs, "I like her."

And with that, they headed out the few klicks to the Jamming tower. Macawi left the group to go out in front of the tower to distract the droids. Crosshair checked on the three with the charges once he was in position, then proceeded to watch macawi and what she would do.

She walked up toward the droids, she estimated a few dozen at best, nothing too crazy.

"Excuse me, Battle droids." She yelled out at them. She saw the confusion starting to go through to the commander droid. "You wouldn't happen to be able to turn this jammer off? It's blocking Republic communication down here." They all aimed towards her, that got their attention. She continued to walk towards them, keeping her hands shown. "I'm sure we could come to some sort of agreement."

"I bet you're just trying to trick us." The commander droid shouted back.

"Why would I do that? Or maybe I am? Or I'm just here to turn you all into spare parts." Saying that she pulled out her two lightsabers, lighting them up.

Crosshair was watching the whole interaction, and saw her take out two red lightsabers and be shot at. He aimed for the yellow droid and started taking out a few other droids as well. He checked on the others, they were making good progress. When he looked back Macawi was easily just dodging the blaster fire, not taking out many more droids. He did a quick perimeter check through his scope and noticed more droids being led by General Grievous. He tried the comm without thinking and got static.

He watched for a few moments more and she wasn't facing the newcomers. She was too invested in dodging blaster fire. Where he was on the ridge, and her position he could easily shoot right next to her to get her attention to turn around.

"Just. Don't Move." He mumbled as he aimed.

Macawi stepped back to block some lasers and yelled in pain as one from a different direction hit her arm. She turned around and was just in time to block two different lightsabers coming down at her. She fell down to one knee from the weight behind it.

"I was looking for an easy kill, but this is much more expected." A robotic voice snarled at her.

She was able to push him off. "General Grievous. Kenobi has told me so much about you." She crouched, readying herself for another attack. She was starting to have trouble keeping her right arm up from the pain. Grievous must have noticed because he went immediately to that side to attack. She fended off a few attacks before having her lightsaber flung out of her hand. The next attack she fended off with both hands. She also saw the other droids being picked off by Crosshair.

She did everything she could to just defend herself, occasionally it seemed Crosshair would fire a shot directly at Grievous, but it was deflected. After a few minutes, she was thrown to the ground, out of reach of her saber. She attempted to reach for it but a metal hand closed around her neck and lifted her up, choking her.

"Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection, Jedi."

She tried to respond but he squeezed harder. She kept trying to pry his fingers open, anything to get away, but Grievous was unmoving. As her vision started to go black she heard more blaster fire and an explosion. She took wheezing breaths and coughing as she tried to get oxygen flow back. A hand steadied her as she stood up after grabbing her nearby lightsaber. Tech was holding her steady as he was firing at the retreating droids. She looked between the three clones who seemed to be having the time of their lives picking off the clankers. She glanced up to where Crosshair was and he was standing on the edge doing the same thing.

She got a call on her comm from one of the admirals on a command ship.

"I assume we have you to thank for getting communications back, Commander."

"You have Clone Force 99 to thank, Admiral. They did all the work. I just watched the show."

After the rest of the droids had been dealt with she fully supported herself onto Tech, who held her up with ease.

The three happily discussed the mission. Wrecker picked up Macawi's second fallen saber and handed it to her.

"You look like you were hit by a freighter."

"It feels like it, Wrecker. Thank you. Hold on to it for me, please."

Once they met back up with Crosshair, Tech silently handed Macawi off to him. Who swept her up after she hobbled along with him for a few feet. Hunter gave him a quizzical look.

"She's slowing me down."

Hunter just shrugged in response, walking past. Even though he had claimed she was slowing him down, he still let the others walk in front of him.

"I missed."


"You moved. You made me miss."

She realized what he was trying to say. "You shot me."

"I wasn't trying to hit you. You weren't turning around." He waited for a few breaths for her to say something, then spoke again. "Sorry."

She shook her head, "You don't need to apologize. It won't be in any reports if that's what you're worried about." She couldn't see his reaction to anything with his helmet on. It bothered her. He felt calm, for the most part. He probably wasn't worried and just being nice.

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