Chapter 4:Kamino

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Upon landing on Kamino the four clones went back to their barrack while Macawi had to wait for a room to be prepared for her. The Kaminoans wouldn't hear of her staying with the clones as she was "more important than that". Shaak Ti had also greeted her, and they started walking together.

"Hello, Macawi, I had a feeling that I would meet you here."

"Shaak Ti, I forgot you were here," She sighed, feeling a bit embarrassed now about her outburst to the Council.

"You have always valued your freedom, my dear. I don't hold that against you, even if some of the others may do so."

"You're one of few, Master."

They walked in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"You seem distracted, my dear." Shaak Ti smiled at her, waiting patiently for a response.

"It'll be odd, not being in command." She stopped, looking down at the raging ocean. "I just, well, it'll be a nice change of pace not having to be perfect."

Shaak Ti placed a hand on her shoulder for a moment, before letting her be. Macawi found it comforting knowing at least one Jedi was behind her decision. She wandered around for about an hour before she was informed that her quarters were ready. It was a nice room with a small living area, the bedroom and bathroom off of that, and a small kitchenette. Her few things had already been brought in for her. She took off her lightsaber and placed it on the table. She stared at it and sighed.

"Wrecker must still have the other one." She snatched it back up and went to find their barrack. She wasn't too far away from where the clones were, and easily found the Bad Batches room. She walked in and stopped in the doorway. Hunter was holding her lightsaber with it on with chopped in half things surrounding his feet. Wrecker was across the room with a battle-droid head in his hands. Tech looked like he was either recording them or taking notes, maybe both. Crosshair was laying on his bunk. They stopped and stared at her for a moment before trying to act like nothing was going on. Wrecker dropped the head, while Hunter turned off the saber and hid it behind his back.

She tried her best to keep a straight face while she walked over to Hunter and put her hand out for her saber. He obliged and handed it over. She broke out in a smile, shaking her head.

"You should have seen your faces. You looked like you had been caught with a dead body."

"You forgot it, and I couldn't resist."

"Maybe I'll teach you sometime." They all visibly relaxed after they saw she wasn't upset. She sat down on a nearby crate, tossing it back to Hunter.

"Don't let me interrupt you."

Hunter turned it back on and nodded at Wrecker to continue. They spent the next few minutes tossing things for Hunter to cut in half. He gave it back to her once they had run out of things that Tech was willing to let be destroyed, mostly droid parts. She stuck it back on belt, feeling better with it back.

"What do you end up doing while you're waiting for missions?"

Crosshair answered, "Training, and more training, and then surprise, more training."

"It's supposed to simulate any kind of scenario we could come across," Tech explained.

"You must get bored of that."

"It beats sitting around, not having anything to blow up." Wrecker retorted.

"I suppose."

"We also prank the regs." Hunter included.

"Now that's more like it."

She spent the next few hours learning about the four men. What they enjoyed doing, how they were enhanced clones, what they usually did in their downtime. Tech enjoyed studying everything he could get his hands on, and recording different sounds was a hobby of his. Wrecker enjoyed the training that they did, and couldn't sleep without a stuffed toy he called Lula. Hunter tended to somehow almost always get into fights in the cafeteria, and he liked building things. Crosshair she didn't get much out of except that nobody was allowed to touch the sniper rifle that he had customized.

She moved her hand over to it and touched her pointer finger to it, staring at him. He huffed, moving her hand away from it with his foot. She giggled, getting up and stretching with a yawn.

"Wrecker, Hunter, Tech, Crosshair, have a good night." She waited until they all responded before heading back to her quarters.

She put her lightsabers on the end of the bed before sitting down. She laid down with her feet on the floor and closed her eyes. She closed her eyes, thinking she would just rest her eyes before unpacking. She woke up when she heard a noise. It was still pitch black. She quietly grabbed a lightsaber and got up, going to the bedroom door. She opened the door and put her lit lightsaber up to the intruder's neck. It was Crosshair with his hand up to knock. He looked quite menacing with the red light illuminating his face. She quickly lowered it, sighing.

"Karabast! I could have killed you. The hell are you doing?"

"Lock the door if you don't want anyone to come in," He calmly responded. He looked away from her, looking like he wanted to say more, but she didn't push it. She turned off the saber and tossed it on the bed while turning on the lights. She walked past him to the kitchenette, looking in the cabinets for anything. She found some ground Caf beans and hot cocoa.

"Want some Caf or hot cocoa?" She turned to look at Crosshair who had moved to the couch. He nodded, turning and looking out the window. She sighed, making two cups of hot cocoa before sitting down with him.

They sat in silence while they drank. He was sitting cross-legged on the couch and she copied how he was sitting. She found it cute that such a tall person would still sit like that. She set her cup down when she finished and watched the rain with him.

"I had trouble sleeping," He mumbled into the cup.

She scooted closer to him. "Oh?"

"I was thinking about you."

"If you want to sleep here, you're welcome to." She took his free hand in hers. He blushed lightly, letting her.

They continued to watch the rain until Macawi yawned.

"I should go back to bed." She got up and headed to the bedroom, before stopping and locking the door to the rest of the facility. She moved her lightsabers to the top of a small dresser before properly laying down. After a few minutes she felt Crosshair slide into the bed, he kept his distance at first before cuddling with her once she had fallen asleep. 

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