Chapter 10: Pillow Talk

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On the way back to Kamino they made Echo welcome as the newest member of The Bad Batch. They spent some time recounting some of their adventures and mishaps and getting to know him. Macawi left that room of the ship for a few minutes.

"Couple things about Macawi," Hunter stated, "She hates being called 'commander'."

"So, we call her that as much as possible," Wrecker finished.

"Is she not a commander?"

Crosshair huffed, answering. "She's a military consultant. Employed by the Army, not part of it."

"I was employed by the Jedi, in technicality," she said, coming back.

"That's interesting, Commander," Echo smiled in amusement.

"First Anakin, and now Echo. My day keeps getting better." She playfully chided taking back her spot next to Crosshair. He placed his arm around her, pulling her close.

"They're a thing," Hunter explained.

"It's not a thing." Crosshair and Macawi responded together.

"So, it's a thing." Echo nodded, watching them for a moment more.

"What's your story, Commander?"

"You mean how I joined The Bad Batch," She continued when Echo nodded, "I fucked Crosshair the night before a mission."

Tech started coughing, choking on the drink he was having. Hunter covered his mouth, trying to hide a smile, and Wrecker pretended he wasn't listening. Crosshair just stared at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh." Echo didn't have anything to say to the bluntness.

"While that is, um, an accurate statement. I don't know if that's exactly the reason," Tech urged her to say something else once he recovered.

"Like the rest of our misfit group, I don't fit anywhere. It felt right to stay after that first mission." She added quietly to Crosshair, "Though, the sex was a good enough reason for me."

He chuckled, gently swatting the back of her head. She smiled, leaning onto him more.

It took a few days to get Echo situated, the Kaminoans being part of the problem to get him settled in. Crosshair and Macawi took advantage of the situation to spend some more time with each other since the focus wasn't on the rest of the Batch.

Macawi was laying on her side, propped up on her elbow, and staring at Crosshair. He was laying on his back, his hands behind his head.

"You're staring." He stated, not opening his eyes.

"You stare all the time."


"It's my turn to stare for once."

He chuckled, turning his head to look at her.

"Like what you see?"

"Very much. You?"


He closed his eyes again, taking a deep breath and sighing in content. He was glad they finally had some time to be alone. They usually took a few minutes here and there whenever they could, which wasn't as enjoyable.

She sighed in content as well, laying down with her head on his chest. He moved one of his arms, playing with the ends of her hair. She had his help dying the ends of it purple, to match her eyes. His suggestion when she had mentioned doing something to her hair. She lightly trailed her fingers across his skin, stopping when she noticed his heartbeat speed up.

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