Chapter 5: Jealousy

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A few hours later Macawi woke up being hugged to Crosshair's chest. He was still asleep with one arm draped over her and the other stretched under her pillow. She tried to move his arm to get up but he just pulled her closer.

"A few more minutes," he groggily stated.


A couple of minutes later he sat up, staring down at her with a small smile. She smiled back before getting up.

"Won't the others wonder where you went?"

"No, I'm the first one up most days."

"I suppose that means you go do something."

He shrugged and moved to sitting on the edge of the bed, watching Macawi undress.

"A gentleman would avert his eyes."

"I'm no gentleman."

She glanced behind her and pulled a blanket over his head with the force. He sat there for a second before taking it off and saw Macawi walking out of the room. She hadn't brought her bag to the room yet. She pulled on a similar top to the one she previously had on. A crop top with one long sleeve. Walking back into the room she dropped her bag she had picked up on the floor next to the dresser and unpacked the clothing she had. Keenly aware of Crosshair staring at her.

She turned towards him, elbows propped on the dresser.

"Can I help you?"

He slowly looked her up and down.

"Or are you waiting for permission?" She taunted.

He abruptly got up and took the few steps over to her, forcing her against the dresser.

"I don't remember you giving the orders, Commander."

He softly kissed her, and it soon got more passionate. They both stopped after a minute to catch their breath.

"A shower would be nice, don't you agree?"

She nodded, "Yes, it would...Sir."

Crosshair was leaning against the wall with a towel wrapped around his waist, watching Macawi dry her long, black hair. His eyes wandered down her body, following a line of purple skin that went from her neck down to her hips. She watched him in the mirror, smiling.

"My father is a Twi'lek. Purple is a dominant skin tone in Twi'leks, and green for Mirialans. I suppose both genes won."

"You're beautiful."

She blushed, looking away from him in the mirror. He walked over and lifted her chin up, kissing her on the cheek before grabbing his clothes and walking out. She touched her cheek and looked after him until the door closed. She huffed, shaking her head. She was sure it was just hormones. They were just having fun. She felt a slight pang in her chest when she thought about him thinking that that was it, though. She tried to shake it off and finished drying off and getting ready.

Crosshair was already gone when she was done, having thrown the towel he used over the back of a chair. She shook her head again, trying to stop thinking about him. She went off to find some breakfast.

She ended up eating with Shaak Ti, listening to her talk about some of the new clone squads to two bounty hunters. She remembered something about the Jedi hiring a couple of mercenaries to do training. She spent the rest of the day watching different squads do training runs. She was a bit distracted, though. She kept thinking about Crosshair. She perked up when she saw that Clone Force 99 was doing a training run. It was set on one of the more difficult scenarios that none of the regular clone squads had been able to finish.

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