Chapter 8: Anaxes

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The next few days were quiet on the ship as the others were taking care of an insurrection. They had told her to take it easy and hang back. Macawi had gotten used to being around them all the time, and the peace and quiet was discomforting. She occasionally checked in with them, making sure they were doing alright and vice versa. They received a transmission from Commander Cody to meet him on Anaxes.

She thought it was taking them a while afterward, having said that they would be back to the ship shortly. She was sitting in the cockpit when Hunter contacted her, yelling to fire up the ship.

"Don't yell at me, Hunter. Geez."

"Just do it!"

She huffed, casually starting the systems and taking her time. She saw them out the cockpit window, firing at a group of Yalbecs while running towards the ship. She watched them for a moment before quickly finishing turning on the systems. As soon as they were on board she took off, not waiting for the door to close. They all slumped in the cockpit, out of breath.

"So, nothing exciting?"

Hunter kicked her seat, chuckling.

"You could say that."

"Well boys, next stop is Anaxes. You can fill me in later."

Once there, she didn't wait or slow down for anyone to give her time to clear the air field.

"Aren't you coming in a little hot?"

She just smirked at Tech. Once she landed she stretched and glided out of her seat.

"Let's go."

She walked out behind Wrecker, silently going to Crosshair's side after introductions were done. After the rest were done talking, Cody noticed her.

"Commander Kabbin? I didn't know you were with them."

"Good to see you too Cody. And don't call me 'commander'." She clapped him on the shoulder getting on the gunship.

After a couple of moments on the transport, she noticed Crosshair glaring at one of the other Clones, Jesse.

"What are you looking at?"

"We don't usually work with regs." Crosshair retorted and flicked a toothpick at him.

She nudged him while Hunter explained to Jesse. She took another toothpick out of a small pouch on his waist, handing it to him. He took it and immediately put it in his mouth. Cody then briefed them on the mission. They were shot down shortly after he finished. After they crashed Crosshair helped her out of the wreckage, making sure she was alright. Cody was stuck and Hunter told Wrecker to get him out. The rest of them walked away from the wreckage.

"This is ridiculous. He's gonna need help to get Cody out of there."

Crosshair chuckled. "He's going to get the gunship out of there. Not Cody."

They watched as Wrecker flipped the gunship over and grabbed Cody. Kix checked him over saying he had internal damage and needed help fast. She took a few steps towards Crosshair, who had gone a few feet away from the group.

"We all need help." She saw what he was referring to was a battalion of battle droids.

"That blast gave away our position." He said dryly.

"Huh. I thought getting shot down gave away our position."

Rex ordered everyone to find cover and wait for the droids to come to them, which Hunter informed him that wasn't their style. Macawi hung back, letting them have the fun.

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