Chapter 7: Past Emotions

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Macawi was hiding behind some debris, currently being accosted by a group of Super Battle-Droids. She couldn't find an opening to get at them. She hit her comm.


"I thought you said you had it handled." He chuckled, watching her through his scope.

"I did, and now I don't. Can I get some help?"

She ducked, a bolt hitting next to her head on the debris.

"Is that an order?"

"Ugh, Crosshair!"

"You're cute when you're flustered."

"Oh, I'll be super Kriffing adorable when I'm dead!"

Hunter got on the comm. "Crosshair, stop flirting and handle it."

He shot a couple of the droids, which gave her enough of an opening to take care of the rest. After she had them cut into pieces she looked up towards where he was and threw her hands out in frustration. He saw and laughed.

"You're fine. I 'Had it handled.'"

She groaned, meeting up with Hunter. He laughed, seeing how fed up with him she was.

"That's what you get for dating him."

"I would like to not be close to death." She hit her comm so he heard her. She jumped when a bolt hit next to her foot. She glared up towards where he was. Hunter shook his head, slipping his helmet off. They had just finished taking care of the last of the droid army that had been left on Atollan when the Separatist Army fled.

"Wrecker, stop playing with that clanker. We got a transmission from Yalbec Prime."

Macawi wasn't paying attention to the rest, a familiar presence had caught her attention. She took a few steps towards the direction she felt it.

"Hey, Commander, where're you going?"

She stopped, turning back and smiling at Wrecker.

"Give me a couple of hours. I'll be back." She took off at a sprint before they could say anything, turning off her communicator.

It took her an hour to come upon a ruined temple carved into a cliff face. She slipped inside through the crumbled doorway. Someone had destroyed it to get inside. The Force felt stuffy inside, swampy. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she walked. It soon felt welcoming, no longer feeling like it wanted her out. She always thought places with the Dark Side of the Force just wanted to be left alone, except by Dark Side users. She walked cautiously, the familiar presence feeling closer.

She came out in a grand hall, grabbing her lightsabers when she saw a figure sitting in the middle of the room.


"I thought that was you, my old apprentice."

"That was a long time ago."

He stood, and they circled each other, waiting for the other to attack as they talked.

"Odd that you would be here when your entire army is destroyed and gone."

"That was just a distraction," he took out a small red triangle, "A Sith Holocron. Somehow the Jedi missed this one."

Macawi stared at it, intrigued. She had read that they didn't exist anymore, that the Jedi had scoured the galaxy for them to destroy them. Erase the Sith from existence. He put it away and she shook her head, glaring at him.

"I can feel your curiosity from here. Join me again, and you can know all its secrets."

She gripped her lightsabers tighter, laughing dryly.

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