chapter 1

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Niall is attacked leaving an interview and the boys must pull together to help their band mate through his recovery. It isn't easy...

There were way too many girls for security to cope with and Niall soon found himself adrift in the crowd of screaming girls. They kept pulling him into hugs and stopping him for photographs but he didn't mind. For the moment at least, he still found himself able to breathe and feel safe despite the way their bodies surrounded his.

The main group of security were trying to shield Harry and Louis, who insisted on giving each other piggy backs and acting up on their bromance to the point that girls were nearly fainting from excitement, while the others kept an eye on the other three members of One Direction from ahead, trying to clear a path to the cars that were waiting a couple of hundred metres away.

Niall spotted Liam through the crowd and the two shared quick looks of are you okay? And I'm fine before their attention was dragged back to the fans in front of them.

One girl approached him now, a strangely blank look on her face, and she asked for a hug.

Niall obliged with a happy grin that quickly slipped from his face as the girl spoke in his ear when he wrapped his arms around her.

"They're too good for you." She said. "You're dragging them down and ruining One Direction for everyone. You should have quit, you shouldn't be here."

She disappeared into the crowd before he could say anything.

There was a funny feeling in his stomach and it felt like the world had suddenly drained of noise.

Then, somebody screamed.

This scream was different to the ones he was used to; fear rather than excitement, horror as opposed to pure delight.

The funny feeling in his stomach turned into a searing pain and he put his hands to it in an effort to get it to stop. He looked down, away from the crying faces, and saw his hands coated in red.


He felt his legs begin to buckle underneath him and suddenly Liam was there, catching him before he could fall.

They ended up on the cold concrete anyway.

He was vaguely aware of security shouting in the background and the worried faces of his other band mates as they fought their way to the front of the crowd but his eyes were only for Liam.

And Liam, Liam looked so angry and Niall couldn't think of what he had done wrong.

He pressed down on the smaller boy's stomach so hard that Niall cried out in pain but he didn't let up, not even when blood-soaked hands tried to pry his hands away.

Liam shook his head at him but Niall still fought his hands because the older boy was hurting him, didn't he understand?

He thought Liam liked him, that he wouldn't do something like this.

"I know it hurts but I've got to, I need to stop the bleeding." He said to him, his voice shaking. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but you've got to hold on."

Niall nodded without understanding.

Hold onto what?

There was no grass for him to thread his fingers through and anchor himself, just the harsh concrete and the cold that seemed to be working its way into his limbs.

Suddenly, a hand took his, prying it from Liam's, and Niall grasped at it tightly, happier now that he had found that thing to hold on to.

His eyes moved listlessly away from Liam's face and to the hundreds he could feel watching him, crowding him and stealing the air from his lungs.

"Breathe." Someone said to him. "Please, just breathe."

He tried, he really did, but his body wouldn't cooperate.

The world started to grey at the edges and his eyes were growing heavy.

"Niall, please, just hold on, please." The voice sounded like it was crying.

He gave the hand that held his own a weak squeeze, wanting to say that he was still trying, but didn't the voice realise how hard it was?

A second voice spoke, "Just keep squeezing my hand. Come on, Nialler, you're stronger than that."

He recognised this second voice as Louis' but he couldn't make out the older boy's face only centimetres from his own.

"Keep squeezing my hand, Niall, pretend its Liam's bum."

He wanted to laugh at this but the noise caught in his throat and he ended up coughing weakly, the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth.

He tried to focus his eyes but he couldn't and the roar of voices drowned out his own desperate gasps for air.

"There's so much blood."

"Get back! Get back!"

"Why would anybody do this?"

"Keep holding on, don't let go, okay?"

"He's dying!"

"Did anyone see what happened?"

"Where the hell is that ambulance?"

"I don't think he can last much longer."

"Don't say that!"

The words meant nothing to him because he just felt so tired.

All he wanted to do was sleep.

He wondered if anyone would notice if he closed his eyes for a minute?

"Hey, don't you dare." The first voice said. "Keep your eyes open, don't go to sleep."

The hand holding his squeezed painfully hard but that only made his eyes flicker before falling completely shut.

He felt himself drifting.

"No, Niall! Stay with me!"

"Can you hear that, Nialler? The ambulance is here, you're going to be okay."

The voices sounded so far away.

"Just a few more minutes."

He let go.


"Male, 18, single stab wound to the stomach. Huge blood loss and suspected internal bleeding. Crashed twice on the way in."

"We need to get him into theatre- shit, I know him! He's in that band, my daughter loves them!"

"Happened on the way out of an interview."

A bright light.

"Hello, Mr Horan? I'm Doctor Wardell, can you hear me?"

Then black.


"First of all, thank you so much for agreeing to this, I promise we won't keep you long. How are you all holding up?"

"Not very well, to be honest." The voice was tired and hoarse, as if the speaker had spent hours crying. "We're all in shock. This feels like a nightmare."

"And how is he? We've heard so many different reports and rumours- what can you tell us?"

A shaky sigh, "it-it's not looking good. His family are with him now and the rest of us boys haven't left the hospital since- since..."

"And do you have a message to all your fans?"

"Just thank you so much for all your support and please keeping on praying. Niall needs all the help he can get."


Nightmare (A Niam [one direction ] FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now