chapter 15

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Okay, last chapter. Just the epilogue to go! My baby's nearly all done *sobs*


Niall hadn't known where he had been going, he had just known he had to get away.

Because what Liam had said, it wasn't fair, and Niall was so confused.

Liam had lied to him, had admitted to it, but then he had apologised and told him that he loved him.

But that had been part of the lie, hadn't it?

Liam had never loved him, Niall knew that now, how could he?

Niall wasn't good enough for someone as perfect as Liam, everyone knew that. That's why the other boys had spent the night before laughing at him and playing with his hair and smothering him with hugs that they didn't mean.

'Ugly, stupid, imperfect.' They had said. 'Imperfect, stupid, ugly.'

Over and over and over.

'How could you ever believe that Liam had loved you?' They had crooned.

Niall had had no answer.

He still didn't.

How had he let himself believe Liam?

He came to a stop in the changing room that stood between the swimming pool and the gym in the basement of their complex and he kicked out at one of the metal lockers in frustration.

It hurt and that was good. He needed it. He deserved it.

Then, from the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of movement and suddenly shewas there, running at him with a knife.

He screamed and grabbed the blade in both of his hands to prevent her from stabbing him through the chest.

But she was so strong and he was so tired (he was always so tired!) and the burn of the blade as it cut through to the bone was making it hard to think.

"Why didn't you quit?" She asked and he saw that she was crying. "Why are you making me do this?"

He let out another scream as she redoubled her efforts and pushed him back into the lockers, his head connecting with one of the doors with a crack, but he didn't give up, he couldn't.

He knew she was going to kill him if he did.

And if- if she killed him how was he going to be angry at Liam? Make him hurt just as much as he had made Niall hurt?

How was he going to forgive him?

How were they going to fall in love again and live happily ever after?

He vaguely thought that he must have hit his head harder than he realised but he couldn't concentrate on that now. Not when the tip of the knife was digging into the skin above his wildly beating heart.

"I hate you." The girl said. And that's all she was really, being only maybe a couple of years older than Niall himself. "I hate you so much. This is all your fault!"

A sudden burst of strength had him pushing the blade to the side and twisting it savagely, making her hiss in pain and let go of the knife.

He let it drop to the floor and he kicked it away, just like he had seen people do in the movies, and she let out a howl of frustration and launched herself after the knife.

He tried to move after her but dizziness suddenly overwhelmed him and he found himself staggering into the lockers and dropping to his knees.

Then she was on him, pushing him onto his back on the cold concrete, and he knew in that second he was going to die.

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