Chapter 4

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Niall is attacked leaving an interview and the boys must pull together to help their band mate through his recovery. It isn't easy...


It was another week before he was finally released from hospital.

They had kept the news very quiet so that when Niall finally took his first few steps out into fresh air there were only a few fans hanging around and no paparazzi at all.

When the girls saw him they screamed and ran towards him, shouting his name and 101 questions that seemed to blend into one solid block of noise.

Niall had frozen to the spot, his mind going back to the last time he had been surrounded by girls, the last time he had been shouted and screamed at, and he nearly panicked.

Then, Liam had wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close and he knew he was safe. Zayn appeared at his other side, threw a casual arm around his shoulder, and Louis and Harry seemed to materialise out of nowhere in front of the three of them, reaching the girls before they could reach Niall.

"Ladies, ladies!" Harry yelled. "Can we please have a little quiet?"

It took a few minutes for them to stop screaming but they did so eventually.

"Now, I know you're all very excited to see our resident Irish God but remember, this is his first time out of the hospital in a month, and he's still not 100%." Louis told them. "He's agreed to a couple of photos but we've not got much time."

The girls squealed and clapped their hands excitedly but they agreed to not hold the boys up too much as they realised how ill Niall still looked.

"Can we just have some pictures of you together as a band?" One of the girls asked with a wide smile on her face, eyeing the way Liam and Zayn had their arms around Niall.

The other girls readily agreed and after posing for a couple of minutes they were allowed to carry on to the car that was waiting for them. Their usual security, having been doubled since it had happened, had watched on carefully, ready to step in if needed.

There were even more fans waiting outside their hotel, the news of Niall being released having spread quickly due to the fans at the hospital tweeting and uploading their photos to tumblr.

"Do you want to do photos again here?" Liam asked as they pulled up in front of the hotel, watching the younger boy's face carefully. "It's okay if you don't. Me and you can go straight inside and the other boys can stay and chat for a while."

Niall's heart thudded painfully in his chest as he eyed the crowd.

There were only perhaps 50 or 60 girls there so it wasn't the largest number they had ever had to deal with and he knew that the other boys and security would keep him safe but the idea of their shrill screams and hot bodies pressing close to his, closing him in and stealing his made him feel sick.

But, on the other hand, he wanted to do something nice for the fans, to take photos with them and answer their questions and thank them for all their support. He wanted to let them know how much they meant to him, how much he had needed (and still did) all their kind words and thoughts.

"You're shaking, babe." Zayn said, nudging Niall's shoulder. "I think you should go straight inside."

The others agreed.

"They'll understand." Harry told him.

So, when the car stopped, they waited for security to open their door and Liam told them the plan. Then Liam helped Niall out of the car and, surrounded by three of the biggest and scariest members of their security, they made a beeline straight for the door.

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